35. Awakened

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Alex Kellen.

The constant beeping sound was getting on my nerves. My body was aching everywhere and all I wanted was to sleep as long as I wanted. Well also maybe some painkillers to get rid of the ache.

A soft sigh from out of nowhere distracted me. "Please wake up. I miss you like crazy." She was saying softly. There was a soft hitch in her voice when she spoke and I realized she crying. Crying for me. 

It was May. I'd knew her voice anywhere. And knowing that she was crying because of made my chest clench painfully. With effort I opened my eyes, wanting to see her. It was all blurry. I blinked a couple of times to clear my vision, to get a better sense of my surroundings.

Slowly everything began to come into focus. I was lying on a bed with all sorts of tubes around me and the room was very familiar. Oh yeah, I had a clinical room installed in the beach house for it was really stupid to us go to a hospital where the cops will get involved. The clinical room was equipped enough for any major surgeries where gun power was involved.

I turned my attention to the hot damsel who was urging me to wake up. May was sitting on a chair beside my bed. Her head was laid gently on my arm as she murmured, asking me to wake up.

"Hey..." I hardly recognized my voice. It was very dry and croaky.

I sensed her freezing for a short moment before lifting her head to meet my eyes. "Hi..." She smiled through her tears, looking utterly beautiful.

"How long was I out?"

She sniffed adorably. "About a week."

A week? Jeez! May leaned forward to kiss my forehead. "I'm so glad that you're awake."

"I had to. Your crying was getting on my nerves."

Her face transformed from relief to annoyance. "I'm not a girl who cries easily. You must be a lucky bastard to have me crying over you."

I chuckled loudly. "Yeah, I am a lucky bastard." God! It was so good to have her by my side. I gazed at her lovingly, wishing to take her in my arms and make sweet wicked love to her.

"Stop staring. It's creepy."

"I want you so bad. I want to kiss you and watch you come undone under my touch."

Her breathing hitched and her lips parted invitingly. "We can't." Her voice breathy. "You need to recover first."

Recover? Oh yeah, I was injured. Dimly I wondered how bad my injuries were. May nodded, sensing what I was thinking. "The bullet went through but didn't do damage other than ripping through your flesh. You have several broken ribs too but well on the mend. All you have to do is rest right now."

My lips widened into a smirk. "Okay, Doctor Daniels."

She let out a soft giggle. The sound made me smile too. I wanted her to keep smiling, to remain happy.

"How are the girls? And Maddie?"

"Good. Maddie is very protective of the girls. She loves them. The girls adore Maddie too. They all share a room now and it puts my mind on ease. They miss you a lot." She explained about how well the girls have settled in and all that I have missed. I was simply relieved that none of my men were dead. Injured, yes...but not dead.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." May raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

"Hey, I'm not the one wrapped up with bandages here."

"I was talking about your mother. Did she...?"

"No...She didn't make it."

"I'm sorry..."

She laughed bitterly. "Why are you sorry? I'm the who killed her, Alex..."

"I'm sorry that you lost your mother."

She nodded and looked away.

"Why did you do that?" I was genuinely curious.

She glanced back at me in confusion. "What?"

"Why did you pull the trigger?"

"Because she was going to kill you. I can never forgive myself if anything happened to you. Anyway she was an awful woman... She was prepared to kill me...all for power..." She whispered the last words.

I already knew that. It wasn't new to me either. It was normal for me to see people get killed by their most trusted kin. But with May, it was hardly easy to believe that anyone would want her dead, let alone her own biological mother. The mother must have been really fucked up in her mind. I had witnessed the hard gleam on her face as she prepared to shoot May. If I hadn't had interfered, she would have killed her own daughter.

My mind was working hard to think of a way to comfort her. But before I could say a single word, the door opened to reveal a tired looking Thomas. "Alex?"

"What?" I was deeply annoyed that he didn't even bother to knock.

"Nice to see you not sleeping. Is it a good time to talk?"

I frowned at him, about to retort sharply when May interrupted. "Sure, I'll just go get some coffee." She offered me a soft smile and closed the door behind her.

"What the hell is it that it can't wait?" Thomas ignored my snappy attitude. He took May's place beside my bed and stared squarely in my eyes.

"It's Carlous."

Every cell in my body became alert. "I'm listening."

Thomas didn't bother to beat around the bush. He came straight to the point. "He knows about the attack. And he won't keep quiet about it. He will retaliate and we need to be prepared."

"How is the manpower on our side?"

"Adequate. We have enough to protect the girls and to aid us in the elimination.

"Good. Where is Jeff and Eden?"

"With mother and the girls."

I looked up, stunned for a moment. If I wasn't covered in bandages, I would have probably bolted out of the bed. "Shit! Mom's here?!"

"Yeah. I should warn you though. Mom met May on her own terms..."


"She adores May but she is not happy that you didn't tell her you have a girlfriend."

I groaned loudly. Oh! This is just awesome!


Author's note:

Hehe! Large, scary Mafia man is scared of his mother!

Till the next chapter,
April Vishnu

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