29. A trip to the Mall

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May Daniels.

"How about this one?" Alex whispered. He was standing behind me with his chin on my shoulder and his arms circled around my waist tightly. We were looking at some lingerie... Well I was looking at them when sweet Alex decided to join me.

I giggled, blushing furiously at the tiny piece of clothing he was referring to. "It barely covers anything!"

His left hand moved downwards and rubbed my upper thigh. "Isn't that the point of lingerie?"

I was wearing jeans and his hands weren't even touching my bare skin. But I could feel the familiar pull of desire as he traced idle patterns on my jeans-clad skin.

And by judging by his increasingly harsh breathing, I wasn't the only one affected. I gave myself a mental slap and moved further down the aisle. Alex followed me closely. "Why are you interested in them anyway?" My tone was mildly curious.

"Are you kidding me? I am eager to see you wearing them. Very much eager."  He tugged on my hand to show me a particular piece. "Take this one."

Oh my!

It was a deep red negligee, made of sheer lace. And yes...very very translucent.

"Wear this for me tonight." He whispered, his words kissing my skin with heated passion. His eyes were dark with desire and I know for a fact that if the girls weren't just a few feet away, he would have dragged me into one of those fitting rooms to have his wicked way with me. That man was absolutely insatiable.

I wanted to laugh his audacity but with my blood on fire, I could only gape at him. I should be ashamed to be aroused by his words but there wasn't even a single drop of shame in my veins. All I felt was pure desire. I wanted him.

"If you keep looking at me like that sweetheart, I will drag you into one of those fitting rooms and I will not give a damn of what the others would think." Alex's threat was quiet but real.

It took me superman... Oh well, wonderwoman strength to look away from those smoldering blue eyes. But I managed it with my face flushed.

He winked at me cheekily. "Why that disappointed face, sweetheart? Just wait till we reach home. It'll be worth the wait."

I had to smile at that. Yes... He was worth the wait. With a 'not so subtle' attempt to clear my throat, I asked in a bold tone. "So you want me to take that one?"

"Uh huh."

"Just that one?"

"It's up to you. I want you to take the ones you like... Or maybe everything." Alex winked. "You could wear one each night."

It hard not to laugh at his hopeful tone. "You're impossible."

"I know."

"You don't have to pay for them, you know. Let me..." I muttered, sulking.

"My money is yours. How many times should I tell you that?" Alex asked, frowning in frustration.

"Yeah yeah..."

"Give me that attitude again, I'll spank you right here." Alex threatened playfully and smacked my behind gently.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't understand. You don't like shopping. Then why did you even wanted this?"

"The girls... They're growing up, Alex... I wanted them to know about all these. I know that you can get your men to buy them their necessities but you can't always spoon feed them. They need to learn how to look after themselves."

"Jeez! May!" Alex exclaimed. They're not even six yet!"

"It never too early to learn." I scowled. "Stop arguing with me and pass me that black lacy one."

He smirked cheekily in response. "Yes mam."

We ended up buying twelve different skimpy lingerie for myself... Or well for his entertainment... The girls got themselves several cute outfits.

Today's shopping was spectacularly different. The strangest I've ever experienced. The mall was completely void of consumers. Just the sales assistants who stared at us as we browsed through the merchandise.

"How the hell did you even manage this?" I whispered, gesturing at the empty mall.

"I have connections." Came his not so modest reply, to which I rolled my eyes to again.

"So, where now?" Alex asked the girls, as he came to a stop beside the elevators.

"We still haven't buy my scrap book." Addonis piqued up.

"Yeah! I want some art stuff too!" Val's enthusiastic reply made me smile. It was good to see the girls happy and carefree. Beside me, I caught Alex smiling as well.

"Why don't you go with her. I need the rest room. I'll meet you guys at the art shop."

"Alright." Alex motioned to some of the guards who promptly planted themselves a feet away from me.

"I have been doing this for a every long time, Alex." I began sarcastically. "I don't need bodyguards to accompany me to the rest room!"

"It's either them or me. I'll let you choose. Though you should what will happen if I come."

My eyes widened at his threat. A part of me wanted him to come with me, to finish what we started at the lingerie shop. But my sensibility won the desire I had for him and I nodded towards the guards.

It was easy to spot the disappointment in his eyes. It made me smile with glee, knowing I scored one over him. But then, he pulled me close and whispered. "Wait till we get home, I shall punish you for making me wait."

I felt a rush of heat through my body and pool down south. But before he could pick on my body's lustful reaction, I started towards the rest room with guards heavy on my heels.

Of course, they had to halt outside the ladies room. You'd think Alex would have female guards to follow me inside. But he didn't and I was so thankful for that. I hate to know that I wasn't even allowed to relief myself in private.

A couple of minutes was all it took for me to finish up and wash my hands. The mirror in front of me reflected myself and quiet room. My cheeks were still flushed from Alex's antics. I shook my head clear and proceeded to tie my messy hair. That's when I saw it.

A dark figure moved in my peripheral vision making me whip around in a defensive stance. That definitely was not a guard. And he was holding a gun. My mouth opened instinctively to shout for help. But nothing came out.

All I felt was a sharp sting on my neck, followed by immediate darkness.

Author's note:

Thank you so much for your patience! It's been quite a difficult time for me. Hopefully that phase passes soon and I can focus on writing again.

Thank you again for your continuous support... I really appreciate it! Happy reading!

April Vishnu

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