28. Compromises...

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Several months later...

Alex Kellen.

"No! Absolutely not!" I almost shouted. May cringed but made no move to give up the topic.

"C'mon Alex! You have no idea how frustrated we all are! You have something to do. But we don't!" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"So you want to risk your safety and that of the girls? Do you not hear yourself?!" I asked incredulously.

"It's not like that! We will be surrounded by so many guards. We cannot be any safer."

"No." I crossed my arms against my chest and stared down at her. The stubborn little vixen glared back at me.

Of all the things to do, she wanted to bring the girls to the mall. Seriously? There is a crazy fucker out there who wants her for a baby making machine and she wants to go shopping. Oh! Also she's glaring at me right now like I'm a party killer.

I'm not a blind, heartless bastard. Well... Not with her...
We all have been stuck in this glorious beach house for more than eight months now. I had drowned myself into paper work and the operation of my organization. Even then, I feel like punching someone (and preferably do alot of damage) to escape this pent up energy... Hatred.

Hate towards that bastard who wanted my woman. Oh what I would do to then when I get my hands on them! My mind travelled into vivid, violent fantasies, momentarily forgetting that May was saying something.

Then I felt a hard kick on my ankle. "Are you even listening to me?!"

Her sharp tone made me look up from my thoughts. She sounded mad. Really mad enough to kick me. Her broken ankle was already a forgotten history.

"Yes, I'm listening." I snapped, feeling the sharp ache on my ankle bone. Dammit! She's strong!

"Really?" May huffed in disbelief. "Then what did I say three seconds ago?"

Fuck. Yeah, I wasn't listening...

She glared daggers at me, knowing well that I didn't even hear her. "Nevermind Alex. Go ahead and do whatever YOU think is right. Just leave me the hell alone." With that she left the room and banged the door behind her, leaving me alone with nothing but silence filled with guilt.

Guilt and irritation. Why can't she understand that all this, is for her safety?

Maybe we should get out of this place and do something fun to get rid of all these negative vibe.

I lay on the bed, watching as the clock ticked its way towards midnight. Sleeping was impossible without May in my arms. She might be a royal pain in the ass. But she was my royal pain in the ass.

It's been four hours since the argument and she hasn't returned to the room. So I did the only thing I could. I went looking for her.

She was curled into a ball on the tiny couch in the girls room. Her skin was cold, her face looked so tired with all those dried up tears.

She had been crying.


I glanced up at the soft voice of Valentine. "Yes?"

"May came in a while ago. She thought we were sleeping but I wasn't. Then she sat on the sofa and started to cry. She was crying so bad. I didn't know what to do. So I pretended to sleep." Val whispered.


"Why was she crying? May is always happy... I cannot bear to see her cry."

"We had a fight." I muttered looking down in shame. Val didn't judge me but the shame was somewhere in there.

"Did you say sorry?"

"I will, sweetheart. Right now I'm going to carry her upstairs, okay?"

"Okay. Good night..."

"Good night, Val."

May weighed like nothing as I carried her to our room. She moaned a little when I tucked her in and moved closer to my body.

I curled myself around her and let out a loud sigh. Yeah...we definitely need a break... My eyes closed as exhaustion took over.

I woke up to the feeling of her soft fingers that were playing with the strands of my hair. So I kept my eyes closed and enjoyed it.

Hmm... That feels so good...

"How long are you going to pretend that you're sleeping?"

I allowed my right eye to slide open a little. "Not pretending... Merely enjoying your touch..."

"You put me to bed..." It wasn't a question. A statement.

"Hmm mm."

"Thank you. And I'm sorry about yesterday. It's not usual for me to be a whiny bitch."

"Don't you dare thank me for looking after you." My voice rose sharply. "It's what I do."

"Hey!" She pushed me off the mattress. "You know what, I take back my apology."

I narrowly missed falling face down on the floor by cushioning the fall with my outstretched arms. But instead of feeling angry, I laughed. "C'mon don't be mad. You won't be able to enjoy today if you're angry." I rolled on my back on the cool wood of the floor.

"Enjoy what?"

"I thought that we could all go out. Maybe hit the mall or something..." I dragged my words purposely, wanting to see the surprise on her lovely face.


"But security is going to be fucking tight and you're going to have to deal with it. Either we go with the security or we don't go at all. Your choice."

Her face contorted into several expressions before going blank with her mouth open. It was so hilarious that I could not even try to stop myself from grinning.

"Not funny, Alex."

"You should have seen your face a minute ago. It was funny."

She rolled her eyes but I knew the storm was over. We both got what we wanted by compromising. Something that we had been doing a lot lately.

So I deserved something... Don't I?

"What?" She inquired when I stared up at her without blinking.

"I agreed for that trip."


"Give me something in return. For being a nice boyfriend."

May let out a snort. "Nice? You?"

"Do you have any idea what I want to do to that smart mouth of yours?" I watched as her eyes darted down to a particular area on my pants. Her green orbs gleamed mischievously.

"I think I have an idea."

A low growl escaped me and I leapt on to my feet. "Maybe an idea is not enough. Let me show you."

"Nope." She moved to the other side of the bed. That tiny smile on her lips gave away what she was thinking. My love wants me to go after her. And I was more than willing to play.

My lips spilt into a smirk that she loved. "You sure you want to refuse me? I can make it worth your while, you know?"

My body was on high alert and her labored breathing only aroused me like hell.

"Oh! I know. I just think that I should play hard to get when you get all bossy on me."

I let out a mock sigh. "Fine. Have it your way." I dropped myself on the bed and pretended to sulk.

"Aww! Is Alex baby sulking?" She moved closer. "I have got to get this on my phone." Her phone clicked an image of me and I pounced. The mobile bounced off the bed as I sat on her, straddling her hips.

"Let go of me!"

"No. You wanted to play? I can show you some game."

"You're such a...hmm!" My lips sealed hers from talking as I began to show her what exactly I wanted to do to her smart mouth.

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