11. First Fight

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Alex Kellen.

She was very quiet as I drove her home. Didn't have to ask the reason. I knew exactly why. It was that bastard. Her ex finance. The reason she left her hometown and her family. I felt my chest clench as I realize how much he had affected her. She must have loved him so much at one point.

Loved...past tense. Nevertheless I still wanted to punch him. And slice him up too.



She shifted her troubled, green eyes on me. "Did you know him?"

"Who?" I knew who she was asking about but pretended otherwise.

She shot me a glare. "Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly who I'm talking about. How did you know him?"

"I don't know him personally. I found out about him through your file." I gritted my teeth. There is no way I'm getting out of this. This is going to make her so mad.


"Hm mm."

"What file, Alex? What are you talking about?"

A deep sigh escaped me. "After our erm...meeting at the park, I had one of my boys to investigate you. Your past and everything. They put in all in a file."

"Why?" She was struggling to control her temper. "So privacy means nothing to you? Is this how it's going to be with us? You tracking my every move?"

I didn't answer. Let her get the steam off, then we can talk about this.

The painful silence held throughout the drive. When we finally reached her place, she refused my help to unload the things and went in without sparing even a glance at me. I would have followed her in but then door slammed shut. That probably meant 'get lost'.

I let out a deep breath, hating this. Then I smiled. Our first fight. I would never forget this for sure. Having nothing to do, I parked my car a few feet outside her gate. There were a couple of trees keeping me hidden from view. It would be stupid to leave her alone now, especially now that fucking ex was here in town.

Jethro Tannel. The ex fiance. Earlier on was the first time I met him. But I got the feeling that he was the kind of guy who had no problems playing with people's emotions.

And he just had to be in the same hypermarket as us? At the same time? What are the fucking odds?

I recalled back, remembering his reaction when he saw us. He didn't seemed surprised at all to see May. But he did seem surprised to see me. Even more surprised to see that I was all over May.

Conference? Bullshit! He knew exactly where May was.

Now the question is, how? And why?

I made a lengthy call to Eden asking him to check that lowlife's life history. If that fucker was going to try anything funny with May, it will have to be over my dead body.

Taking a deep breath, I rang her doorbell. The sun was almost gone. I had been sitting in my car for hours thinking about May.

A few minutes later, she opened the door.

"Hi." I smiled tentatively.

"Hi." No smile. Shit.

"So...I ordered dinner. They just delivered it." I held out the box. "It's pizza from the place we went the other day. Best handmade pizza."

Still no reaction.

I sighed. She is still mad at me. "I'm sorry May..." I mumbled. The hell with my ego. I valued her too much to lose her.

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