13. Harsh Reality

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Alex Kellen.

Her skin was was so smooth. It made me want to wake her up again. But she probably needs to sleep.

We both didn't get to sleep till the early hours of the morning. I couldn't get enough of her. Her moans, her demands, her screaming and that sex face afterwards was just too cute. Or amorous...

And amazingly enough she was insatiable too. And damn can she demand!

I was seriously considering waking her up when I heard it.

It was a slight thump. A very soft innocent sound. But I'd knew it anywhere. Hell I've used it countless times myself.

"May!" I shook her violently. "Wake up. Get dressed."

"What?" She asked groggily.

I was already on my feet, dressing in a hurry. Without thinking I reached to the chest nearby and flung it open to find May's clothes. She caught the clothing I threw at her.

She took a quick second to assess my panicky state and decided to obey with no questions.

My usual holster wasn't present on hips.

Fuck! I had left my gun and the holster in the car when I went see May. Hell! Never have I been so careless.

Well at least my mobile was here. I hit the speed dial and muttered red to the person on the other end. It wouldn't take them long to track my phone to May's place.

There it was again...soft but unmistakable...

We don't have long.


"I'm here! What in heaven's name is going on?"

"We are under attack. We need to get to my car."

Her eyes widened. "Attack? We need to call the cops."

"Not the cops. I have already called in reinforcements. Right now we have to get to my car. But we can't use the front or the back door."

"Erm there's one more."


"There is trap door in the kitchen. It leads to the shed outside.


I took her hand and pulled. "We need get out now May. The place is about to blow up. Lead the way."

She didn't move immediately. "Blow up?"


We were both in the kitchen in record time. I was pulling at the trap door which was hidden under a rug. The door was rusted apparently, left unused for a long period of time.

"What is that?"

I glanced up to see what May was talking about. It was hard to make out the shape of the object in the dark. It was small and a part of it was blinking rapidly. Fucking hell!

We had a minute...maybe two at most before it exploded. I tugged at the metal handle harder, in desperation and it groaned open.

"C'mon May!"

I slided down after her and slammed the lid shut. We'd had taken five steps forward when a explosion shook the ground above us. But we didn't stop moving.

A minute later, we were both in my car, out of breath but safe.

May was leaning on the seat, trying to catch her breath. "What...was that?!"

"Hand grenade." I muttered. My mind was racing. Who the fuck could it be? Carlous? Or someone else? They must have followed me. I had gotten so comfortable around May and that almost cost both of our lives.

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