5. Maddie

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May Daniels.

I felt very uneasy. He probably has a daughter from a previous marriage. Hell he might even still be married. What can I do? What do I know? I know nothing about this guy, except that he handsome as hell and does dangerous things... Like beating up guys and threatening to kill someone on the phone.

It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to bang my head which, recently seemed to be filled with mud, hard against the counter.

I'm in an unknown place...

With an unknown guy...


Mud head!

This isn't right. I have to escape from here. And then what?

The insane part of me refused to answer that sensible question.

The best I can do right now is to distract him. Maybe that way I can find a way. So taking a deep breath, I broke the awkward silence. "Who's Maddie?" I asked that question just to distract him. It's not like I was curious or anything...

"She is someone very close to me and she's only two. She gets anxious when I stay away for long. Sorry May." Alex apologized.

I shrugged. "Its fine." No, it's not fine. Why do your eyes light up like that when you talk about her?

"Thanks. I really hope you guys get along. She means alot to me."

Why? Then why are you after me if there is already another woman in your life?
"So is Maddie your daughter?" It slipped off my tongue without asking permission from my mud filled brain.

Alex laughed at my question, his blue eyes twinkling as though he knew what I was thinking. I wanted to kick myself to the other end of earth. Or better still bang my head on the counter top until it cleared of mud.

Alex looked like he wanted to say something but the door opened interrupting him. Thank my lucky stars! Whatever he was going to say was sure to make me flush.

Then a whirl ball of fur came into the picture.

Surprised would have been a mild word. I had totally expected a two year old to come bounding instead of this huge furball of a beast.

"Maddie is a dog?!" I exclaimed trying to be heard above the excited ruckus. It sure seemed like Maddie had missed Alex. She had him on the floor while she hovered above, licking his face. Alex was laughing. I stood on a side watching them...and of course I was a little envious. A tiny little bit. And I'd rather die than admit that to him!

"Down Maddie." Alex ordered a while later in a firm voice.

Maddie sat down with a thump and turned her attention to me. Her head cocked to one side as she regarded me with apt attention.

I had this sudden urge to run my fingers through her fur to see if her coat was as soft as it seemed to be. But there seemed to be something wrong with the picture.

A delayed second later I realized what was wrong. Maddie only had three legs.

"What happened to her leg?!"

"A nasty bastard happened. He chopped off her leg after he hung her upside down."

"You rescued her?"

Alex turned his eyes to Maddie. "Yes and no. I rescued her from that bastard but now she's stuck with me." He smiled.

Maddie stood up gazing at him, her eyes full of love and wonder. It was almost like she understood what he said.

"I don't think she minds that." I observed.

"Do you like her?"

"Like? I think I'm in love with her. Can you introduce me?"

His smile could have lightened an entire ballroom. "Hold out your hand. She knows how to shake."

He turned to the furball. "Maddie. Meet my friend."

She sat down again and held out her right paw. I extended mine and we shook hands before she darted forward to lick my face. She ended up bowling me over.

Whoa was she heavy!

"So..." I panted. "I'm guessing she's a mixed breed?"

"Yeah... It was a little hard to tell at first but the vet thinks that she's a Great Dane and a Golden Retriever mix."

That explains her size. "And what happened to that bastard?" I panted from beneath Maddie. I think she's trying to lick my face off.

"He is...um...six feet under." Alex made Maddie sit and helped me up.

"Under where?"

Alex stared at me as though I was missing something obvious. When I realized what it was, my knees almost buckled.

"You killed him?"

"Nope. I asked Vincent to kill him."

Bewildered, I almost shouted. "Who the hell is Vincent?"

"Someone who works for me."

A heavy silence filled the room as I hesitated. Who is this guy? Gangster? But he looks far from one... Pretty good looking but never mind that!

He has hit men working for him but he treats them like family. He rescued an animal for god's sake! Gangsters don't do that!

Alex understood what was running in my mind. "I'm the Mafia boss of Kellen family, May. It was rather surprising that you didn't recognize me from the news."

Mafia?! How?! "I don't see the news channel. Nor the newspaper." I mumbled. My mind was still reeling so pardon me for that dumb comment.

Alex sighed while running his fingers through his hair. "I know this is very selfish of me. But I really wanted to get to know you before you figured out who I am."

He is so confusing! "Then why did you tell me?"

"Because I don't want to lie to you." He whispered, his eyes wide. I felt my chest clench. Why am I feeling like this?!

My arms craved to pull him into my embrace. But I resisted. I couldn't allow myself to get hurt again. If I let Alex in, I knew for sure when he leaves, I won't be able get back on my feet... Not this time...

There was a funny smell drifting through the air, distracting me.

"Alex? Do you smell that?"

He sniffed the air. "Ah! Shit!" He ran towards the stove where dinner was cooking...or well, burning and turned off the fire. Then he turned to me, looking sheepish. "Sorry...I forgot to turn off the fire."

I wanted to hug him hard and laugh but I also wanted to run far away from him and never return. My legs though had a different idea. They refused to move. So I simply stared at his handsome face, not knowing how to react.

Author's note:

Thank you for reading! For sneek peeks from future chapters, stay tuned on my Instagram or Twitter. Details available on my profile page.

Kindly send your reviews/comments/questions to my email: authoraprilvishnu@gmail.com

Happy reading!
April Vishnu

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