34. The Rescue

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May Daniels.

There was a splitting roar of a gun shot and I waited for the searing pain. Except that it never came.

Instead, there was screaming of a woman. I risked a peek and witnessed my mother bowl over, holding her bleeding arm.


It me a moment digest that voice. He was here. Alex. But before my train of thought was complete, I was pulled down to the floor. A bullet whizzed past where I was standing a second ago and hit the wall behind.

I landed on a very familiar chest, gasping in shock.

"Stay down!"

"Y..you're here."

"Yes... I am." He held my face, soft and tender. "Stay down. I have to help them."

I shook my head vigorously, trying to get rid of the cloudiness that prevented my brain from thinking rationally. Miraculously it worked. "I can help too. Give me a gun!"

"May... I don't think that's a good idea."

He cannot be serious! "We are in the enemy's territory. They probably heard the shot. It won't be long till more men came along. It is a good idea! The very least, I can protect myself."

He seemed to think hard for a moment. "Fine." He relented, quickly grasping the logic. "But you have promise to do as you are told."

"Okay! I promise. Now give me a damn gun."

"Here. Careful." I rolled my eyes at his worried reaction and held on the small, heavy weapon before taking off the safety.

"Careful, May!"

I threw him an exasperated look. "I know how to shoot, remember?"

He answered me with a devilish smirk that brought me more energy instantly. My chest felt lighter, now that he was here beside me.

After a quick gaze around, I realized that we were not alone. Thomas and Jeff were 'handling' Jethro in their own way. I didn't bother stopping them for he deserved each and every blow and even more. Instead I focused ony mother who was on the floor, passed out.

"Did you shoot my mother?" I asked in a whisper.

"Yeah. But I only shot at her hand." Alex offered sheepishly.

I stifled the urge to giggle. Alex smiled. "It's nice to have you back." He pulled me into a tight hug which I returned immediately.

Being held in his arms was purely heaven. He made me feel safe, worthy and loved.

My time with Alex was rudely interrupted by Thomas. "You two can romance later. What do you want to do with him?" He gestured down at pile of human on the floor.

Alex growled at him. "Just kill him."

"Gladly." Jeff pulled the trigger with zero hesitance.

Thomas frowned. "Hey! I wanted to kill him."

"You were too slow."Jeff snickered.

"Alright alright!" I raised my voice to stop the argument. "You will get to kill more soon. If I'm not mistaken, this place has alot of guards."

"Six outside the house and seven inside. Three of them were sleeping. Carlous is away with his wife." Jeff informed me.

"So what now?"

"You follow us quietly." Alex squeezed my hand.

We crept out together, watching out carefully for the guards. Thomas and Jeff were a few feet in front of us. It was very dark but it was too risky to use any form of light. All was quiet until we reached the stairway which dimly lit.

"Wait!" Alex pulled me to a abrupt stop beside him.

Meanwhile infront, Jeff and Thomas reversed their steps. "Shit! Alex, it's a trap!" Jeff whispered urgently. There are all down there, fully armed! They must have been waiting for us."

"Call the rest and ask them them to attack. We will attack from inside. It's dark here, more to our advantage.

"The rest?" I questioned curiously.

"We came with back up. More of our men are waiting outside the manor. Come!" Alex pushed me into an empty room. "Stay here!"

"What? No!"

"You promised to listen! Do as you're told."

"Alex! Please! Let me come with you!"

"Listen to me. I will come and get you myself. Till then, you are not to exit this room. Okay?"

I had no intention of staying in her safe while the rest of them risked their lives for me. Hence I chose my words deliberately with care. "Be safe."

"I will. See you in a bit."

He closed the door softly behind him.

The minutes dragged by so slowly that I almost believed that I was in a world of sloths. It was very noisy outside. Gunshots, yells...all the noises of death was easily heard. But it was impossible to say which they belonged to. The enemy's or Alex's.

A couple of minutes later, the noise began to tone down until I had strain my ears to listen to anything. And yet, the was no sign of Alex.

I felt very uneasy and decided that I had to go now. Go and find Alex.

The hallway felt like a nightmare. Dead men and blood covered almost every surface. Though, I was careful I didn't run into anyone at all.

My gaze searched the place desperately, looking for him. A second later, I froze mid step and changed my direction where the sound came from. A gun shot from upstairs.

I slowed my steps as soon as I realized that it was the same room I had been imprisoned in and took care to stay invisible. There was a chest of drawers near the ruined door. I inched slowly and hid behind it before taking in the situation.

The sight that met my vision made me see red everywhere. My mom, with her arm bandaged haphazardly was standing over Alex who was on his knees, clutching his ribs. There was so much of blood. He had been shot.

She used her foot to push him roughly onto the floor. I pulled in an agonized breath when she met no resistance from Alex. He must be really hurt to not defend himself.

Alex fell with an awful thud that echoed around the room. He was still holding on to his wound while his eyes scanned the room, probably searching for a way to save himself when he saw me. His body seemed to freeze immediately, eyes widening.

Tears welled up in mine to see him like that. He was ready to die for me. Then he smiled. A small heart wrenching smile.

My hands tightened instinctively on the weapon I was holding. I saw her lift up her gun. Her face held so much of fury that for a moment, I wondered how she could have been a mother.

But every moment wasted thinking was a precious chance to save Alex. I didn't waste another second. I took aim and pulled the trigger on my own mother.

Author's note:

Thank you for reading! Marry Me will be ending quite soon. Watch out for the new story, Flames. It's a spin off from Marry Me and will be Jeff's story (Alex's cousin).

Till the next chapter,
April Vishnu

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