39. Knocked over or Knocked up?

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1 month later...

May Daniels.

The bed was a unsightly mess. All thanks to me. I had tossed and turned trying to keep my breakfast down. And finally agreed with my brain that it was even stupid to try it in first place.

My stomach was churning badly. The nausea had been constant for the past two days, paired together with migraines. But like the stubborn cow I am, I simply refused to stay in bed, or to even take any form medication even though it was readily available and spent most of my time in the art room with a barf bag of course. Well, alright... A couple of barf bags. I was more irritated at the inconvenience than worried. It was probably the common flu.

A heavy sigh escaped me. It was no fun being alone in such a big house. The girls were at Evie's having the time of their lives. And Maddie had tagged along with them. She was spoiling them rotten and I was well aware that it will be one heck of a journey getting them unspoilt when they return home.

I smiled to myself just then. Home. With Alex and the girls (including Maddie), this place has turned into a home. Our safe haven. And then, second later that smile disappeared.

Alex has been away for the past week. And there was absolutely no words to describe how much I missed him.
He was trying real hard to find Carlous who had gone MIA.

It was endearing... All his efforts to make us safe. He was giving his best and I simply couldn't bring myself to complain that he was hardly home. It was utterly miserable to be alone like this. Well...there were the guards...but you get what I mean...

We were still under threat from Carlous. I had never met that man before, but my hatred towards him grows stronger every single day.

With a determined effort, I marched my way to the art room again. However my body had other plans. Disgusting plans, I might add...

I felt my breakfast make its way up my throat. And it was far too up for me to force it back down. My body knew a lost battle when it saw one...or well felt one...

There was no way I can make to the bathroom in time. Left with no choice, I sprinted like a mad woman to the kitchen sink and puked up the contents. Geez! Given the foul feeling in my mouth, I was a tiny bit happy that Alex wasn't here. A very tiny teensy bit.

"What's wrong, Miss Daniels?" A timid voice broke through the silence of my post-vomit-session.

I jumped violently. In my haste to find the sink, I hadn't noticed Ritzer, the in-house-doctor at the table having a snack. And because of the disgusting taste in my mouth, I kept it tightly shut.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." He frowned as he assessed me top to bottom with his sharp medical eyes. He was probably taking in my pale face and the fact that I threw up mere seconds ago. "You don't look very well."

Like duh! That's the best he can come up with? And he is supposed to be smart. Grrr! Now I'm trying to pick a quarrel with the poor doctor?! What the hell is wrong with me? "Hmm..."

"Maybe I can help you? Mr Kellen will be thoroughly displeased if you had gotten sick and I did nothing."

I rolled my eyes at him. The poor man was afraid of Alex as though he was a fire breathing dragon. But I had to admit that the doctor was easy to intimidate. "Okay, give me a moment." I took pity at his stricken expression. "I will be right back after I brush my teeth." I muttered, careful to speak facing away from his face.

When I came back to the kitchen ten minutes later, he was there waiting for me patiently. I inhaled my scowl. I wasn't a big fan of doctors and I was sure this nausea was leading to mild flu which will probably pass in a couple of days.

Ritzer motioned me to sit and began asking routine questions about my present health.

Since my mouth was a better place, I had no qualms about speaking out loud. I described my symptoms briefly first, then in detail upon his humble request.

"I like to do a urine test first." He said after studying me.

Urine test? How odd for a flu? "Uh? Why?" My tone was cautious, full of curiosity.

"I think you might be pregnant. It will be better if you take the test and we can confirm. Then the ultrasound.

He spoke something, I'm sure. But all I heard was the word pregnant.




I fiddled with my thumbs nervously while waiting for the results. A baby... My mind was full of confusing swirls. I honestly had no idea how to feel about that.

Yes, I loved kids. So much so that I made my career evolving them. But being a mother is quite a different story, I mused. Actually the difference is about the size of the Pacific ocean.

And obviously, I didn't have a good example to learn from. My own mother was a cunning, egotistical bitch.

And of course, there's Alex. I had no idea how he would react. Sure, he had teased me about him being my husband someday when I found him stalking me. But this is somehow different. This is the real reality!

We had never seriously talked about building a future together, let alone a baby. And if he wanted to... I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring in a baby in this world. I would want a better place, a better family for my baby. Not a violent, Mafia family.

And yet, however fleeting it was, I couldn't get rid of that image... That image where I see myself with Alex and a family. It felt more real now. Also more... alot more scarier.



"The results. It's shows positive." Ritzer beamed as though he struck lottery. "Congratulations, May. If you don't mind I'd like to do a ultrasound scan. I can determine how far along you are and print out a picture for you.

My mind deliberately blocked off all of his words except one.

Positive, I repeated in my mind, fucking POSITIVE! Oh no! Oh Shit!

Author's note:

Uh oh! Honestly I'm surprised it took her this long to get pregnant!

Anyway, my apologies for the delay... To make up, I will be posting 2 more chapters today :)

Stay tuned for more!
April Vishnu

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