30. In a Rage...

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May Daniels.

Never have I ever felt this much of rage in my life. Upset? Yes, usually with Alex. Anger, yes. Also normally with Alex. But rage?... To the point that I wanted blood? Nope.

Well I'm feeling it now. You must be wondering why... Let me enlighten my position to you.

I currently am at the back of a speeding truck.

Tightly bound and gagged.

And rolled up neatly in a sack.

Yeah... I'm in a rage!

The shopping trip that my Alex had arranged was an awesome treat... Certain parts of it were romantic beyond words and all of it had to be ruined by that asshole and his sidekicks.

When I get my hands on him, he was so going to wish that he didn't exist. So are the fellows who packed me like potatoes in this god forsaken sack!

The truck braked suddenly and I found myself thrown backwards, slamming painfully on my side. Maybe this is a good time to plan their murder. They will die, slowly and painfully. I'll make sure to draw it out. Maybe Alex can guide me. If there was one thing I was sure of right now, it's that Alex would be hundred times more furious than me.

A part of me wondered if he had lost it. He'll probably take it out on the guards, for whom I feel really sorry right now.

Just then my hears picked up sounds from outside. The door opened and a couple of hands grabbed the sack I was in. To which of course I had to protest!

I mean they were touching me in places that I wouldn't approve. And it doesn't matter that they don't know where their hands were! It was already wrong to kidnap me in the first place!

"Shit!" A deep voice strained through the material of the sack. "Stop struggling bitch!"

Despite the lack of space to move, I tried to aim a kick towards that voice and grinned in satisfaction when I got it right. That fellow bellowed in pain. "Bitch kicked my balls! Fuck!"

Awesome! I didn't really aim for his balls but I'm not complaining either.
But that moment of satisfaction didn't last longer than five seconds though, for that man dropped me.

I must have been at the opening of the truck. Because I felt myself bounce on the truck's floor once before rolling down a wooden step ladder and finally landed.

Hard on the ground. The pain was so unbearable that I had no choice but succumb to the peace of darkness.

The were a couple of voices babbling around me and it was becoming increasingly annoying. They made my head ache more and all I wanted is to sleep. My feeble attempts to block them off failed making me miserable. Seeing that they just won't shut up, I tried to listen to what they were saying.

"Why is she still unconscious? What did the doctor say?" That female voice was very much familiar.

A deep male voice answered her without delay. "She had a concussion when my careless men dropped her. But she will be okay. Don't worry. They will get their punishment. I shall see to it personally."

"I don't think it their fault." The female sneered distastefully." I mean, May is not a easy person to handle. I'm speaking from my years of experience with her. What she got is what she deserved..."

Familiar words and tone... Oh I know who that could be! My lovely mother, of course!

I opened my eyes just a fraction to get a better knowledge of my unfortunate predicament. I have been kidnapped by my mother and crazy ex finance who wants me as a baby making machine.

Yeah, it's fucking unfortunate!

Those two imbeciles were talking, not far away from the bed I was lying on. So I looked around, trying figure out the way out without being too obvious. It didn't work though.

"Oh. Good, you're awake."

An inaudible groan escaped me without permission. There was no way to escape that shrewd witch. And I'm speaking from my years of experience with her!

I beamed at her as though she was the most important person to me on earth. "Mom! How unlucky I must be to see you again." I smiled at her sweetly, sarcasm dripping like honey from my words.

Erin's eyes narrowed infinitesimally. "I recommend that you keep that mouth of yours under control or you will regret it."

"Oh, please! My mouth has never let me down, unlike you."

"Erin, why don't you go ahead for dinner?" The asshole interrupted us in an attempt to keep peace. Hell! I wasn't in a mood for peace. I wanted war! "I'll join you later. There are things that I have to talk with May in private."

"And maybe you can knock some sense into her too." My lovely mother muttered as she exited the room.

He turned towards me and I readily ignored his gaze that was scorching into my skin.

"How are you feeling, May? I was so worried about you."

I met his gaze head on, then. "Fuck you." It made me a tiny bit happy to witness the shade of red creeping on his face. Even his ears turned pruce.

"I see that your vocabulary has become colourful...more bolder. You probably picked it up from Kellen, huh?" He walked closer to the crappy bed I was lying on.

My body felt heavy but I still could move with a bit of effort. I tested my legs by folding them under myself.

"Are you okay? Did you hurt your legs too?"

I kept my silence and waited until he was much closer and answered him by aiming my foot on his most cherished manhood.

"Shit!" He crumbled down in pain. Well, what can I say? I have strong legs...

And an excellent aim too.

It felt really fantastic to see him in pain. Especially when the pain was caused by me. Inwardly, I thanked Alex for that trick.

My eyes were fully trained on the spineless coward as he whimpered like a baby. "I'll have you know that vocabulary wasn't the only thing I picked up from Alex."

Author's note:

I have never felt more proud of May! I hope you feel the same way too!

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April Vishnu

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