25. All Under A Roof

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Alex Kellen.

Heaven knows how in hell I got this lucky. I tightened my arms around May and she snuggled into my embrace. Both of us feeling content and at peace with the status of our relationship. And of course the wild love making.

I glanced out of the transparent panels. We were able to see outside but no one will be able to look in from outside. Oh...and also, it's bulletproof.

The post coital was blissful and I was so going to regret ruining it. But I really have to know what happened with that Tannel bastard. The sooner the best.


She rubbed her cheek against my chest. "Hmm..."

I steeled myself for her reaction. "I need to know about Tannel."

She looked up with an adorable scowl. "Really, Alex? You had to ask about him now?!"

"I know the timing is bad and I'm an asshole to ruin this moment. But it is important..." I trailed off at her glare.

"Why? It was in the past, Alex. I don't want to drag my past into the future."

"It already has." I countered softly. "Tannel is with Carlous. I saw him during the meeting. He was a silent partner until the meeting."

Her eyes widened with disbelief. And probably shock too. "He is with Carlous? He is a part of Mafia?"


"Bloody hell!"

My mobile chose to ring loudly making both of us jump. I internally the person to the depths of hell and snapped before the person could even say 'hi'. "You better have a good reason to interrupt me right now or I'm feeding you to the eagles." It was Thomas.

"We will be reaching the beach house with the girls soon. Ten minutes tops." The line went dead almost immediately. I sighed knowing this conversation will have hold.

"I feel sorry for the person on the other hand of the line." May muttered, making me smile despite the situation. She knew me well.

"Don't. It was Thomas. He called to inform that they will be here in ten minutes with the girls. We will be staying here for a while."

"Okay. We?"

"Yeah, us, the girls and my cousins. There will be guards as well."

"So will I finally get to meet your cousins?"

"Yeah. Might as well since we're going to be stuck in here for a while."

"How long?"

"Till we handle Tannel."

May raised herself on the bed and met my eyes. "I will tell you everything I know. Everything that happened. But you need to explain the problem to me too. Because the Jethro I knew wasn't the kind of person who can handle being any part of a Mafia. He was a spineless coward."

I smirked, satisfied at the accurate description of the bastard. "He is a coward alright. He was a silent partner. But now he wants some..." I stopped myself in time. "Erm...something and he is trying to use his partnership with Carlous to attain it."

"Wow. He must want it very badly then."

I cringed internally, not wanting to answer her. Yes, May. He wants you, badly...

"So what is it that he wants?" Of course, she wouldn't give up! May has to be the most stubborn woman I've ever met in my life!

"I'll explain later." I dodged her question neatly. "Let's get dressed. They will be here soon."

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