27. A Bit Of My History Revealed...

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May Daniels.

"What an asshole. Now I wish I had shot him." Thomas spoke up, finally breaking the silence. I felt thankful, for the silence was beginning to get on my nerves.

I was on the couch with Alex who had his arms wound tightly around me. It was almost nearing midnight but none of us could sleep. The girls, on the other hand were sound asleep in their shared room with Maddie. Their energy was completely wiped out during dinner.

Dinner was a very crowded affair but cheerful. A few of the guards had joined in. And Doctor Ritzer had joined us too. Though his purpose of arrival was for my broken ankle. Which by the way was healing just like it should.

It was a like one happy family gathering and for that time being, I forgot the fucked up situation we were all in. But reality had to come barging in.

Feeling rather heavy with the burden of my 'almost wedding fiasco', I finally opened up to them after everyone had dispersed and the girls safely tucked in. His cousins were scattered in the room, listening to my past. And none of them could hide their anger. It was kind of comforting in a way.

"We still can." Eden growled, adding fuel to the anger that was already burning in the atmosphere. "I had Carlous and that asshole followed eversince the meeting. Carlous lives in his usual place. That asshole is living in a penthouse with his wife."

"His children?" I wondered out loud.

"Nope. His other family is his mother, younger brother and mother in law. He doesn't have any children. He probably won't have any. His wife is barren."

My mouth fell open. "But she was pregnant. The test showed positive."

Thomas smirked. "She had a miscarriage four weeks later. And her sweet husband has been cheating on her ever since. I guess your sister got her karma."

"Lets not talk about karma right now." Alex muttered and turned towards me. "I wanted to tell you all that we've found when we digged in deeper. Under all that white collar shit, Tannel has been a partner with Carlous eversince his Father died."

"You mean he was already a partner before he met me?!" My voice was horrified. And I had every reason to.

"Yes. And there's more. At that time, he had an contract binding him. He had to get married with a woman from the Daniels family to take over after Carlous. This goes very deep, May." Alex warned. I knew that if I asked, he would stop himself from disclosing further.

But I wanted to know. I deserved to know how fucked up the situation is. "How deep?" I asked my voice oozing determination and strength that I didn't know I had.

Alex shot me a smile of admiration. "Your great grandfather."

"There must be some mistake." I shook my head in denial, instantly. My father and his father are very few of the greatest gentleman I have ever known in my life."

"Not your father's side, sweetheart..." Alex murmured, tracing tiny circles on my arm.

My eyes widened, understanding almost immediately. That could only mean my mother's side. But sadly that was believable. My mother had always been a cold person. She only cared about her status and that of her family. The perfect attitude of a Mafia princess.

A deep sigh escaped me as I decided to tell them what I knew of my mother. Which by the way is pathetically little. My mom was not the kind of person who would have a heart to heart talk with her daughters. It's more like she will tell you what to do and you'd do it without asking a single question. So when I did start asking questions, I immediately became the outcast.

"From what I know...my mother was a runaway when she met my dad. He sheltered her and gave her job to survive. But they ended up married. Are you saying that she could be from a Mafia clan?" I whispered the question.

Alex growled. "Not could be. She is from one. She is Carlous' sweet sister."

"How do you know that?" A second later, I realized how stupid my question was. Of he knew. Alex could find whatever he wanted to find with a snap of his finger.

"We already have Carlous' history. His mother died when he was still a kid. And his sister ran away when she turned eighteen. Her name was Erina Carlous."

"My mother's name is Erin Daniels." I muttered in horror.

"Exactly. Erina was to marry one of the opposition Mafia leader to settle a feud. But I'm guessing that it was all arranged by her parents and she had no say in it. So she ran away, wanting to escape from the marriage."

"I don't blame her though. She was just a kid..."

"Really May?" Alex's sharp tone startled me little. "You're feeling sorry for her? She introduced you to Tannel, remember? To me, it seemed like she wanted you to marry him...well...until your sister got pregnant." Alex almost snapped. "So you see? Tannel had sinister motives when he dated you. It was all pre planned, May."

Even an idiot could see his point. "So what does he want now?"

In a heartbeat, all the sounds in the room cut off. I could swear that the men even stopped breathing. It should have freaked me out. But the silence only annoyed me. "Well?"

"He wants you, May."

My mouth fell open. "Me?" I squeaked. "Why?"

"Because he needs an heir. Since your sister won't be able to give him children. You're the only..."

"The last young woman left in the Daniels family." I finished his sentence and turned to him. "That bastard! I'll kill him!"

"Calm down..."

"No! I'm not going to calm down. I will find him and tear his limps apart one by one. Who does he think I am? A baby making machine?! I'm not a freaking robot to run back to him after all that he did!"

"Yes, I understand. But it will be better if you could leave that 'tearing his limps apart' part to us. Because I don't think you can do that with an broken ankle." Of course, Alex had to be sensible right now.

I scowled at him knowing that all that he said was true. I was in no position to get bloody violent but I didn't appreciate the reminder either.

My scowl deepened, then turned into a surprised squeal when he suddenly moved forward to kiss me. He pecked my lips once. Then kissed me deeply, letting me know how mad he was about me. "I love you. You know that?" He whispered when he pulled back.

It was really hard not to smile at that. He could be damn cute at times. I could feel my face burning with fire under his heated gaze. It wasn't difficult at all to guess what he was thinking.

Everything else was forgotten in that instant. It was just him and me in our own little world.

"Okay! That's our cue to leave." Eden rushed to the door. "And you should probably continue this in your bedroom. We have little girls living with us now."

Eden's not so subtle reminder pissed Alex off. He probably would have shot him if I wasn't here. "Fuck off." With those charming words, he scooped me into his strong arms and headed to our room.

Author's note:

Please vote and comment! The spin off to this story, Flames, is now available on Radish. Do check it out :)

Thank you!
April Vishnu

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