40. The Proposal

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Alex Kellen.

She sounded rather off when we spoke earlier. One syllable answers aren't her normal way of answering unless she was upset. But I knew for sure that I did not do anything to piss her off this time.

My face screwed up with worry, wondering what was going on with May. I had a feeling that it had something to do with my mother. Eversince that day when I found them in the kitchen together, May had been behaving with slight oddness. The change was very minor. But to me, who knew her like the palms of hands it was rather worrying.

Was she having second thoughts about our relationship? That could not be, right? Given the way she had responded so passionately the night before I left for the trip, I was more or less sure that she was as crazy about me as I was about her. Maybe she really just wanted to go back to work?

Yeah, the latter actually made more sense. She had bought that topic up once. But I had gently refused the idea due to security reasons. It just wasn't safe yet. May, to her credit had accepted it without a fight. She had been so understanding and compromised whenever I came back late into the nights or travelled far looking for that bastard. I really wanted him out of our lives so that we all can move on. And so did she.

I was sure it was for that very reason that she put up with my absence. Should this become my usual even after everything, my wildcat will infinitely put me in my place. My lips split into an involuntary smile at that thought. My down to earth, honest to god, fiery wildcat.

So with renewed determination to fix whatever was happening between us, I once again went through the surprise I had in store for her. It'll be our six month anniversary soon and yeah, most will agree that it's too soon. But with everything we went through together, I was sure of it. And I could only fervently hope that she felt the same way.


"Can I take off the blindfold now?"

"Not yet."

"C'mon Alex!" She raised her voice and almost stumbled on the uneven ground. My hands left her elbow and shot up to her shoulders to steady her.

"Stop talking and concentrate on walking." I snapped, alarmed at the sudden slip.

May growled at my rude, high handed tone. "I can concentrate better if I could only see!"

Good point. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" I chuckled at her impatience and attempted at peace keeping.

Her frown deepened even more. It was so fucking adorable and bloody tempting to kiss it off her exquisite face. "Where are we going?"

"You will know in very short while."

She muttered something unintelligible and told me to hurry up while I smiled widely with excitement.

The surprise was simple and yet special in its own way. It was a quiet dinner at the cabin where we had our first date. The cabin was a very special place to me. A place where I used to sneak away from the harsh world. No one knew about it. Not even my family.

I had prepared dinner beforehand and kept them safely in the warmer before fetching my better half to the paradise.

"Okay, we have arrived." I announced softly and loosened the blindfold.

She blinked for a short moment, probably feeling out of breath. "Oh!" Then she gasped at the sight that awaited her. There was a table for two setting in between the cabin and backwaters with the sun preparing to retire for the day. The lights shone on the water, making it glimmer like diamonds. It was a breath taking sight, not one that can be seen regularly.

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