22. Mad As An Ogre

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May Daniels.

Alright! I'm done! I'm so done!

"Will you please tell me what the hell is your problem?!" I snapped loudly, marching into his study as furiously as I could with the help of my crutches.

Alex had returned around mid afternoon from his meeting. The girls were in the pool again and I lounged at the side, simply watching them have fun. They were so happy and carefree.

But it didn't last long. All thanks to my dearest Alex.

The first thing he did when he returned was to drag us into the house while barking like a mad man, about how unsafe it was to be outdoors. Nevermind the fact that we we well within the compound with six other guards and fence as tall as a castle's.

I helped the girls to change and settled with them in the play room, thinking maybe, the guy just needs a break. He did met his opponent an hour ago, right? So probably needs to let out steam.

But no. Hours later at the dinner table he was still barking. He readily ignored the warning looks I shot at him. I could see the girls becoming wary of him with each passing minute.

At one point, he snapped at Val so sharply for spilling her drink that the little girl burst into tears. That made the other two cower away from him.

Then he stomped away muttering how noisy the house seemed to be getting lately.

That's when my carefully controlled temper finally burst. Not into tears but erupted like a volcano.

I left the girls in the living room watching Finding Dory with one of the guards and went to find Alex to give him a piece of my mind. A very long piece of my mind.

When I finally found him holed up in his office, my volcano erupted with a roar. I could feel the steam shooting out from my ears. The only thing missing was the hot lava.

"What do you mean?" His glare would probably make a grown man cry. But hey! I'm a woman! A woman with a strong back bone!

"If you need to let out steam go and work out. Stop bullying little girls and making them cry for no reason. You have no idea how scared they are right now! And you have no idea how furious I am right now!"


"Huh? So that word will fix everything? I know that you have been living alone all by yourself, Alex. If you can't deal with having us here and you're going to take your temper out on us everytime you get upset, then maybe you should let me know."

"Jesus's May! Give me a break! And you should really learn some manners. You're living in my house now so you need to learn your boundaries. I have a lot on my mind right now and I have no time to hear you bitching." He snapped loudly.

His spiteful words made me pause. Bitching? Was I nagging him?

I turned around and strode off with as much dignity I could muster with those annoying crutches. It was difficult keeping my head high and try to keep my eyes from clouding up with tears at the same time.

Why the heck was I crying?

I rarely cried. Even when my family kicked me out and I stood stranded on the streets with nothing, I didn't cry.

But damn, his words hurt me so much. His actions too.

So this how the real Mafia leader is like? Cold and uncaring? Nasty and obnoxious?

What did the little girls do to earn his fury? He had snapped at them like they were a pain in the ass. And he spoke to me like that... As though I was a burden to bear.

I dragged myself into one of the many guest rooms and locked myself inside with my thoughts and endless tears.

So this was the harsh reality? He had pretended to be that guy... That guy I almost fell for?

There was no one to blame but myself. I was stupid enough to let him in.

When my tears dried up, I called Jess and made arrangements to move in with her temporarily. It was absolutely necessary to distance myself from Alex before I fell hard for him.

Who the hell was I kidding?... A tiny part of me wondered. I had already fallen hard for him. And what a huge mistake it was...

The world wasn't steady. It rolled left and then to the right and it was so fricking irritating.

I opened my eyes and realized why. I was in someone's arms, as he climbed up the stairs.

"Ssh. Go back to sleep."

All the drowsiness I felt a minute ago disappeared instantly as the voice registered in my brain. Alex had me cradled in his arms.


"Put me down." My throat was dried up from crying.

"Ssh ssh."

I stared at him squarely in the eye. "Stop shushing me and put me down. Now."

His eyes widened at my harsh, uncompromising tone. It took him a  moment to decide that I was in no mood to be bargained. And so he complied. Holding the wall for support, I hobbled away from him. I crossed the balcony on the way and found that the sun was covered by the full moon. I must have fallen asleep in that guest room and lost track of time.

A while later I found my way into the the girls room. They were sound asleep like little angels. I adjusted the cushions on the couch that was placed in their room, settled down for the night.

I was going to miss the girls. But this was necessary. Maybe I can bring them with me when they're free from danger. Right now, they need the Mafia's protection even though the leader tend to be an ogre at times.

Tomorrow, I shall leave this place and return to my own goddamn life.

Afterall, I do not depend on anyone for my survival. And I most definitely do not need a man to tell me how I should behave...or how I should live my life.

That is for me to decide.

Author's note:

Thank you for reading! I've already begun on the spin off, Flames which is now available on Radish.

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April Vishnu

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