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There was chaos all around the canteen in the of The SPACE Academy of Medical Sciences. All the students gathered in the canteen and saw the never seen thing ever in the history of SPACE. Four boys were kneeling down and two girls were standing beside them. 

A girl was sitting on the table in front of them with her legs crossed. All the boys heads were hung down and the girls with them were biting their nails in anxiety. Suddenly the girl sitting in front of them on the table spoke

"so lets start from you.. tell me whats your name ?" she asked pointing towards the first guy in front of her. He was cute wearing a hat and the boy replied

" Dhruv..Dhruv vedanth..second year Bio Technology."

"ok..chalo next u..tell me whats ur name..?" she asked the next boy..he was cool and quite funky

"hey pretty Cabir Dhawan..second year MBBS" he replied cheerfully Although they were kneeling down he managed to say those words as polite as possible

"aww..thanks for the u tell me your name..?" she asked the boy next to cabir. He was the most handsome one of all. His eyes were spitting fire as if he would set the whole world on fire. He directly looked into the girls eyes, they were big round and doe eyes. For a moment he lost himself in those eyes

"oh..hello..Mr.daydreamer I don't have the whole day for u.. stop staring me and tell me your name.." she asked finding him lost..

He composed himself and mentally slapped himself for getting caught in front of everyone and said

"I'm Manik Malhotra..second year MBBS"

"that's nice..and you" she said pointing towards the last member of the line "do I need to give you a special invitation..common stop wasting my time tell me your name..?"

"Hi..I'm Abhimanyu Thakkar..second year BDS" he replied looking at the girl beside him who was giving deadly glares to the girl sitting if front of them on the table.

As all the people were gathered in the canteen seeing the sight in front of them some froze at their places..some pinched themselves for confirming that they were not dreaming..some ran away from the place in fear..some were enjoying the seen in front of them.

One of such people gathered there spoke to the person beside him "yaar kaun hai yae ladki.. collage kae pehale hi din..Fab5 aur uske doston ko sabke samne keel down karwaya aur unke hi style mai unhiko ragging kar rahi hai..manna padega ..kuch tho hai iss ladki mai.. Manik Malhotra ko bhi iskae samne jhuka diya..dekhthe hai aaj aur kya kya dekhne ko milega.."


So any gusses who was the girl..

funny na fab5 in a medical collage..

more fun to come...

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loads of love 

neeraja :)

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