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Okay.. So I was tagged in this challenge by 

Akka.. here are my 13 secrets...

1. I wanted to become a Singer, Fashion Designer and a Chef.

2. I want to start my own business.

3. I am a bigggggggggg fooodieeeee. It is my weakness.

4. My friends are my biggest strength and weakness. Given a choice between food and my best friend... I would think for 2 minutes then choose my friend...hehehehe

5. I am scared of darkness and I dont watch horror movies because they scare the sh!t out of me.

6. I failed in my IPCC twice and tried to commit suicide twice but failed there as well.. ahh.. that's a phase I would never like to talk about. What I went through back then, is the deepest and darkest secret of my life. cant share more than this.

7. I was badly betrayed by a person (I dont even know who it was.. a boy or a girl) 2 years back because of which I was heartbroken and was in depression after that for a long time, but I came out of it. But now I am a strong and confident woman and I am proud of myself for that.

8. I am a very good cook.

9. I am a great fan of Disney Princesses.

10. I have trust issues and too many insecurities.

11. I didnt date a guy till date and I dont have a boyfriend (many people think I have dont know why *facepalm*).

12. I have a very intimidating personality...hehe may be thats the reason guys stay very far from me..hehehe... but little do they know that I am a person who is very easy to please...

13. My friends call me Baby, Chinnu, Love and Baymax.

so yeah... those were my 13 secrets.. and now I tag 

  @saminthelostworld @Anumanan   

@absnads @sippu14   @AlohomoraManan @MedivalTomboy

@MawaraEjaz6 @a_cosmic_dust @sonee_space @akshita435 @coinikee @sandyblush

@1_drop_of_rain @angelove2 @itshappieme

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