New Story Alert

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Hey guys.. not an update of this story.. but check out my new story "Cute Prince and Lovely Princess" - A collaboration of Manan and Ishqbaaaz... crazy right.. trust me it will be crazy ;)

You will find this story in my profile :) Please do read and support it :)

Its going to be one hell of a crazy love story with lots and lots f humour and cute romance..

And one more announcement

This story and Mrs Rockstar and Mr. 007 will be on hold till *Mid April*

sorry guys.. i have loads of work and exams and submissions...thats the reason updates got delayed... but trust me.. ill compensate for all the delay that has happened :)

Thanks for the patience

Here is the Prologue


"why did you say yes to marry me when you were not interested.." he said and she turned her face angrily

"oh hello Mister... I can also say the same.. why did you say yes when your brother-in-laws asked you to marry me ???" she too replied in the same tone

"I was busy eating the chocolate cake... who knew all this would happen in that little time.." he mumbled the last part but to his bad luck she heard it

"you like chocolate cake ??" she asked in an excited tone and he too looked at her with the same excitement shining in his eyes and asked "you like it too ??"

"I love it.." both replied in unison and giggled along with a hi-fi.


"after marriage na.. ill not change my surname..." she said playing with the spoon on the table and he frowned

"but girls toh generally change their surname na.. why you don't want to change ?? even my sister changed her surname after getting married..." he was confused.

"because I can't leave my family.." she said looking here and there

"what do you want to tell.. please say it clearly na... we are already engaged..." he really wanted to know the answer. The 5 foot 2 inch girl who was sitting in front of him was a box full of mysteries.

"vo.. vo.. because.."

Meanwhile the waiter came with food which they ordered came and she squealed in happiness

"wow.. butter chicken.. lets start eating..."

And seeing the food he also forgot that they were in middle of an important conversation. Little did he know that how big trouble he is going to get into



He slowly opened the door of his house using his keys and tip toed to his room but a voice stopped him

"stop there..!" there was something in that voice that made his fore head glisten with sweat but he didn't turn back

"can you do the honours of telling us from where are you coming back home that too this late in night..??" another voice came and now he gripped the railing tight in his hands... there was no escape or rescue now... he was trapped.. and this was not a good sign..!

"Mr. Manik Malhotra... can you turn back and look at us..!" 3rd person spoke and he sighed... he had to face them if not now then by tomorrow morning he will be grounded for sure.

"jiju (brother-in-law) I can explain.." he said in a low voice and turned to face them with his head hung low

"we are exactly asking for the same Manik..." one of them said in a stern tone and he pouted like a baby and looked at his eldest sister who was standing next to her husband with a helpless expression on her face.

"don't look at your sister.. she is not going to come to your rescue this time.." another one said

"Cabir suniye toh... bacha hai.. chod do iss bar... hum iski guarantee lete hai.. agli baar aaisa kuch nai hoga (listen... he is a kid.. leave him for this one time.. I take guarantee that this will not happen next time)" his wife said in a pleading voice but one look from her husband she understood she had to stay back.

"your credit card, your car which you gave for repair before coming home...everything is banned for you for the next 15 days... now go to your room without a single word and sleep..!! GO..!" his eldest brother-in-law said and Manik ran away the very next moment to his room... Poor soul was scared.

"Mukti.. I think he didn't eat his dinner... I have warmed the food... make him eat before he sleeps..." The eldest guy of the crowd said looking at his wife and she nodded her head with a small smile playing on her lips.

The 3 guys left from there and their respective wives left into the kitchen to take the food and feed their baby brother.


"Anika... where is princess ??" a guy in his late twenties asked his wife who was serving him breakfast and before she could reply two small hands covered his eyes from back and there was a soft kiss on his cheeks wishing him good morning in the sweetest tone possible.

"Good morning Bhai (brother) good morning Bhabhi (sister-in-law).." she said and kissed their cheeks and proceeded to another pair who were looking at her with all the love in the world.

"Good morning Chote Bhaiya (small brother) good morning Choti Bhabhi (Small sister-in-law).." and kissed their cheeks as well and they too replied in the same tone.

"Where is Rudra ?" the eldest brother asked his princess and she replied pouting "he.. he is still sleeping.. I tried waking him up.. but he didn't listen to me..." and all went aww on her cutness

"see what I made for breakfast today..." her eldest SIL said to lighten up her mood and all her sadness and anger flew away seeing the dishes

"wow.. chole puri (an Indian breakfast)" and her eyes lit up like a 1000 watt bulb

"yess... my baby... this is just for you.. Rudra troubled you naa.. don't share it with him.. you eat away all this before he wakes up.." her younger SIL said serving her the poori's and the girl munched the food to her hearts content.

After the breakfast was done her brothers got up all set to go to office and she wished them a good day with a kiss on their cheeks.


sooooooo... how's this lovely princess and her lovely prince charming's introduction ????

DO share your views... If yes then please hit the chotu star button, comment and share

Keep Smiling

Take Care

Loads of Love

Neeraja :)

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