Holi hai..!!!!

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HOLI : ( 6 AM )

All the elders gathered in the puja room and were waiting for manan and mukthi. Soon a half sleepy mukthi and manik with a enthusiastic nandini came down and the puja began.

"maa im feeling hell sleepy..." mukthi said as soon as the puja finished and pandith ji left.

" happy holi mukthi.." nandini exclaimed and hugged her tightly but mukthi's eyes were closed. Last night she was fighting with Abhi and had slept very late.

"chalo get ready fast.. your friends might be coming here soon.. holi hai beta.. stop being this sleepy all the time.. look at nandini..." Nyonika said looking at mukthi who was lying on the sofa with eyes closed.

"happy holi mumma papa" nandini said in a joyful tone and hugged Nyonika and raj.. followed by dadu and dj. All were happy seeing her happy and to increase the same nandini heard a voice

"happy holi beta.." shalini and Kishore exclaimed standing at the main door of malhotra mansion and nandini's eyes filled with tears of happiness and she straight away ran to them and hugged them tightly and said amidst her sobs " I missed you both.." they hugged her back and said " we missed you too.." 

Kishore broke the hug and said kissing nandu's forehead " happy holi baccha..." she hugged him and said " happy holi appa" and then breaking the hug she hugged shalini again and said " happy holi maa.."

"arae wahi pae khadae raho gae yaa andar aanae ka irada hai..." raj said from behind and all murthy's moved into the lounge. Nandini was sitting in between shalini and Kishore and opposite to them were manik raj dadu dj Nyonika and mukthi. All were talking about random stuffs and everything and anything. A perfect family time it was.

" happy holi everyone.." fab 4 with abhi navya aaryaman soha and harshad entered and greeted in unision.

All the kids were in the garden of the malhotras mansion throwing colours and colour water on each other and the elders were attending the guests.

They were divided into two teams. In first team were

Manik Abhi Mukthi Navya Soha Harshad

And the second team was

Nandini Dhruv Aliya Cabir Aaryaman

They were playing all around throwing colours running all around the garden of the mansion. A DJ was arranged and he was playing songs which filled the happy holi mood in the atmosphere.

"bacchon kuch kha toh lo.. phir kehl laena..." Nyonika called them and all paused for a while and moved to eat something as they were really hungry.

"Dhruv come here.." nandini called Dhruv as they were walking towards eating area

"kya hua nandini.." he asked worriedly and she whispered something in his ears hearing which first dhruv's eyes widened in shock and next moment he burst out laughing and said "its awesome nandu.. im in.. omg... you are too much.." he said laughing she smiled smirking

" so ready.." cabir came from behind and the trio shook hands seeing which Aliya and Aaryaman looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as they knew that these people were upto something but would not tell them so they kept quite and decided to wait for them to execute their "khurafathi" plan.

All were eating sweets and were having juices when all of a sudden they heard a splashing sound and everyone rushed to pool side to see what it was. Manik Navya Abhi Mukthi Soha Harshad Aliya and Aaryaman along with all the elders were standing on the edge of the pool as they thought something really heavy fell in the pool and was not clearly visible as the water got disturbed. And all of a sudden BHOOM..!!!

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