Special moments..!

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aaj parth ka bday hai toh kuch toh special banta hai naa... enjoy the special update...

and yeah.. i hope that Kamanatanya is now satisfied as she literally gave me a great shot for not update and girl it still hurts.. readers you wont believe.. my friend she was sitting beside me in class and the shot she gave me gave resound in class *grumpy face*

guys please save me.. :'(

accha enough bak bak.. Happy reading..!!

Next morning: Nandini's POV:

"tum bolo" I heard bhabhi saying in a hushed tone and bhai 'blushed' a little I guess.

"kya hua bhai ??" I asked narrowing my gaze and he stood up. We all were having breakfast and they both were talking something and all of a sudden he stood up gaining everyone's attention. He looked at bhabhi  and blushed again  ,.. whats going on.. why are they both blushing so much.. wait.. yes I know.. bhabhi is not well from few days and she has been feeling dizzy and was throwing up every now and the.. is she...

"yaieeee" I screamed now getting attention which was till now on bhai...

I hugged bhabhi who was sitting beside me and shouted "bhabhi is pregnant.." and bhai slapped his forehead and said "nandu I wanted to announce it.." and he sighed but I didn't pay any heed to what he was saying and I got up from my chair and was twirling bhabhi and I was in my own world.. how much I was waiting for this day,.. I was sooo happy...

"bhabhi I love you sooo much..." I shouted again and suddenly someone held my shoulders and I recognised that it was Manik

"nandu.. calm down.. bhabhi ko chakkar aajayangae.." he tried to make me understand and suddenly I realised that what he was saying is true. I smiled sheepishly looking at her and again hugged her tightly. Amms Amma came and blessed bhai and bhabhi and I had a never ending smile on my face. I was sooo happy. Amma was distributing sweets and amms was giving bhabhi advices abhi sae hi...

"bahuth khush lag rahi ho ??" manik asked me and I gave him a 32 teeth smile. And suddenly he gave a light peck and my eyes widened and I glared at him. He gave me an innocent look that pissed me off further. I walked from there and stood with Aliya and Mukthi and he smirked and I looked away angrily. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I frowned looking at the msg.

"meet me in your room in 5.." it was from manik. I didn't want to leave bhabhi's side so I didn't go. Again I got a msg from manik..

"in the room .. NOW.." there was a angry emoji along with the msg.. okay now I have to think about it.. he is getting serious.. but still.. just when I was about to go to my room Amma came with gajar halwa and manik was forgotten business long back now.

I was busy finishing my 2nd bowl when I felt someone sitting beside me with a thud.. I was so engrossed that I didn't left my head to see who it was and then suddenly he snatched the bowl from my hands and said

"mujhsae zyada yeh halwa important hai tumharae liye??" manik asked me angrily and I rolled my eyes and took the bowl from his hands and said "yes.. hai yeh bahuth important.." and continued eating and after 5 minutes I finished eating my so-important-halwa and looked at manik who was sitting beside me with a grumpy face. I poked his shoulder and asked him "kya hua ??"

Instead of giving me reply manik stood up and grabbed my arm and pulled me..no no dragged me along with him to my room despite my protests and pinned me to the door locking it. I was trying to understand what was happening and before I could ask him he placed his lips on him and started kissing me hungrily. I widened my eyes in shock but he bit my lip making it bleed and was sucking it again.. god.. he was kissing me as if there was no tomorrow.. I tried protesting but he pinned my hands to the door behind and was biting chewing and what not.. I stopped protesting and gave in within seconds. I could feel his smirk when I started responding.. jerk...

"ma..man.." I tried mumbling in between the kiss but he didn't let me utter a word completely and took over again.. I was feeling short of breath but he was in no mood to leave me... I moaned loudly when he bit my lip again for God know what... he was kissing me as if he was punishing me..huhh... I could feel my lips swollen because of his torturous kiss... now enough.. with all my force I tried pushing him but he was way stronger.. he even trapped my legs so that I couldn't move even an inch and now he was kissing me more deeply and I could do nothing but give into his KISS. After what felt like ages he left my lips and I gulped huge amount of oxygen so did that Idiot.. we both were panting as if we ran a marathon.

"never ignore me.." he said after getting back to normal and frowned.. when did I ignore him

"when did I do that.." I asked touching my lower lip which was bleeding because of that Donkey. He smirked and came forward and gently sucked my lower lip again and entwined our fingers. He was sucking my lips so passionately that I forgot everything. And I started kissing him back.. this time it was a very loving and gentle one. He broke the kiss and I opened my eyes to look into his and what I saw left me in almost tears.. so much of passion and love in his eyes.. the way he was looking at me made me feel so special that I cant describe in words.. I couldn't hold it anymore and I hugged him tightly and few tears escaped my eyes as I was not able to convey my emotions to him in words.

"shh... its okay.. don't cry meri chotu baby.." he said lovingly and I smiled amidst my tears...

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