sweet dreams ;)

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inline comments kado naa...pleashhhh...!!! they fill my heart with happiness...

Happy reading..!!


Manik's POV:

"manik.. manik.. where the hell are you..??" I heard her shouting and I came down running from our room.

"kya hua baby??" I asked her in a calm tone and she fumed in anger.

"you are asking me ki kya hua... what is all this mess..?? do you think only you are working.. im also a doctor and I also have responsibilities similar like you... or probably more than you because along with my role of a doctor im your wife too.." she was yelling and her voice was echoing in our house.

"nandu relax.." I tried calming her down but no.. she kept yelling cleaning the living room where my shoes my bag my files my jacket and what not were lying all over the room. I scratched my head and tried helping her only to get a serious glare from her.

"jaan leave it.. ill clean up.. you relax.. tum ready ho jao.. ill fix this up.." I said picking up my case files from the sofa. She looked at me and said

"fine.. you clean the whole house.. prepare breakfast for me.. meanwhile ill get ready and come down.."

Seriously she left all the work on me and left from there.. god manik.. itna kyun botlta hai tu.. she was doing everything naa. Ab marr tu hi,..i hate cleaning yaar... on the top of cleaning the mess im supposed to prepare breakfast as well.. wow great... why is she behaving so cranky from last few days.. may be too much work load.. yead I agree that I hardly let her sleep at night but that's different.. I mean yeah. But no.. arghhhhh... nandini.... Ill go mad one day.. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her and to impress her I prepared paneer curry with chapatti which is her favourite..no her second favourite breakfast.. and to get her back to normal I quickly made gajar halwa for her which she likes more than me...huhh.. I envy that halwa.. and finally I was done with the breakfast preparation.

She came to the table after a good 40 minutes in which I did multi tasking of cleaning the mess as well as preparing the breakfast. She sat on the table and signalled me to serve it to her which I did without argument as irritating nandini is welcoming mary com for a match.. I still remember the punch she gave me last week for teasing her in the hospital.. but she also showered me with kisses afterwards.

"tum bhi kaho naa.. you will be late otherwise.." she said in a low tone silently eating breakfast and I frowned.. she is never this dull or silent.. she loves eating food that too when I prepare it.. but what happened all of a sudden today.. I was wondering when she suddenly got up and ran to the nearby washroom.. now I was really tensed.. something is wrong.. I followed her hurriedly and she was throwing up.. nandu kae aaiyappa.. I held her hair with one hand and caressed her back with other to make her feel comfortable and after she was done.. she washed her face and wiped it with a towel.. she turned to face me with tears in her eyes and before I could ask her what happened she fainted in my arms... I was calling her name and patting her cheeks but she didn't respond.. I was getting worried.. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to our room and was patting her cheeks continuously to wake her up.. slowly tears started rolling from my eyes...

"manik.. manik.." I heard her calling me softly and I woke up with a jerk... okay.. that was a dream.. I wiped the sweat that formed on my forehead and nandini looked at me worriedly and wiped my tears which I didn't know were flowing from my eyes. I touched her cheeks with my shaky fingers and she was real... I was just dreaming... a wave of relief washed over me and I hugged her tightly and she also hugged me and was rubbing my back in a soothing manner... I calmed down after sometime and broke the hug and she looked at me with lots of questions in her eyes. I kissed her forehead her eyes one by one.. her cute little nose her cheeks and finally I placed my lips on hers... it was a kiss of assurance that she was there just beside me,, totally fit and fine.. I kissed her slowly and her hands were in my hair pulling me close and kneading my hair softly. After finding her breathless I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

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