Movie and romance..!

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#2000+ words#

"ok chalo get up everyone.. we will leave in 15 minutes" mukthi suggested and aliya mukthi nandini and navya moved to mukthi and nandini's room. Then on not finding manik anywhere nyonika asked "beta Abhi where is manik.. tum gayae thae na un dono ko lakae aanae kae liyae..?" and Abhi narrated the scene which he saw in Manik's room and all laughed and Raj said "zaroor isnae kuch badmashi ki hogi... Accha kiya nandu nae.." and all laughed. Soon they all got ready and were in maniks car towards the mall and manik was driving the car with angry face. All were chit chatting and laughing on some random jokes and soon they reached the mall and were standing in front of Cinepolis fighting on what movie to watch. Boys were voting for action movie and girls for a romantic movie. And finally after a long discussion they decided to go for a romantic movie as the girls were too stubborn to convince. Manik and cabir went to get the tickets as a naughty revenge plan came in manik's mind and he asked his partner in crime to help him. As they moved to get tickets all the girls went to get popcorn to munch.

They entered the theater as the boys already left leaving them alone and were surprised to see the seating arrangements. Mukthi and Aliya were happy but nandini and navya gulped the saliva in nervousness. It was couple seats already one boy occupied a seat and manik smirked seeing nandinis expression. Nandini was not less after aliya settled with dhruv and mukthi with abhi only nandini manik navya and cabir were left. Before manik could do anything more she quickly went and sat with cabir which shocked everyone and increased navya's nervousness to the next level. Manik and navya looked at each other with utmost shock and nandini giggled. The popcorn which navya was holding was shaking so much that it made few of them fall down. Navya looked at nandini with pleading eyes and nandini nodded her head in a NO adamantly. Finding no option navya took slow steps towards manik and froze the moment manik got up. He stood walked to cabirs seat and pulled cabir from his seat and sat beside nandini and pushed cabir and as a result of which he fell on navya and both on the seat with navya under cabir and both shared a cut eyelock. Nandini was about to get up when manik pulled her hand and made her sit beside him forcefully not letting her move and inch. Nandini struggled for some time and after getting a serious glare from manik she sat quite.

"beautiful..." cabir said tucking the hair behind navya's ear. Both were lying in the same position and navya blushed with cabirs statement. Mukthi who was sitting beside cleared her throat to grab their attention and then cabir realised their position and got up immediately and navya too straightened herself and both sat beside each other looking away from each other and blushing. Soon the movie started and navya aliya and mukthi were totally enjoying it whereas dhruv cabir and abhi were getting irritated seeing the movie. And manik and nandini were looking at each other and throwing glares and were least interested in the movie. Nandini was continuously pushing the popcorn in her mouth and was murdering them while manik even being annoyed by her behaviour was enjoying her cute faces. He also extended his hand for popcorn when nandini pulled it away from him and both were playing tug of war with the popcorn bucket and finally nandini snatched it from his hand and put it beside her as she was the last in the row and beside her was the wall. Manik leaned over her rubbing his nose on her bare shoulder and inhaling her sweet fragnance and slowly his hand reached her waist which was lightly visible due to her short top. Nandini was shocked and didn't know how to react as she was lost in manik's touch. Manik slowly traced his fingers on her waist with his one hand and with other pushed her hair to the other side and unknowingly nandini arched her neck to give him more access. Manik started placing wet kisses on her shoulder and nandini clutched his shoulder. Manik reached her neck and started kissing it and a soft moan escaped nandini's lips which made manik more crazy. He turned her face towards him and pressed his lips on her. Thanks to the corner seat that their activities were not visible to anyone around. Manik kissed her slowly and nandini didn't react. How would she.. too much shock to handle right..? he bit her lower lip and entered her mouth and nandini's hand reached his hair and she fisted his hair as he deepened the kiss. Feeling nandini breathless manik broke the kiss and nandini gasped for air. He again leaned forward but this time nandini was quick enough she picked up some popcorn and stuffed in his mouth and giggled seeing manik getting annoyed. Manik ate the popcorn but he didn't want to miss the chance of getting nandini alone despite his friends around. He slowly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him and when nandini looked at him he innocently looked at the screen. Nandini was about to say something when manik turned his face towards her and gave a peck on her lips making her shut her mouth and said leaning close to her "don't irritate me more.. u will not be able to bear the consequences.. chup chap movie dekho.." and again turned his face to the screen. Bechari helpless nandu had nothing to do as she couldn't move other side as it was the wall and manik was on her other side sat quietly eating the popcorn and watching the not so interesting movie. Manik was getting naughty as he saw nandini had no other option other than to sit trapped between him and the wall he slowly moved his hand inside her top caressing her waist and nandini's eyes widened in shock and she turned to look at manik who was calmly enjoying the silly jokes running in the movie. He looked at her and raised his eyebrow asking what to which she nodded her head in a no and her gestured her to look at the screen and he himself turned to the screen. Nandini was getting Goosebumps on maniks touch and manik was enjoying her state totally. Nandini looked at his hand inside her top to confirm whether she was dreaming or it was real toh she found his hand and then she thought how could he act so normal.

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