Cute Moments..!!

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End of their semester: ( Exams time)

a very bada wala thank you to alllll of you for your love and support... really.. and sorry for being a lazy idiot to update.. MBA is just a fu****g s!it..!!! sorry.. bad words.. but couldnt control..

enjoy the update..

dont forget to vote and leave your valuable comments ( which makes my heart dance in joy..)

happy reading..!!


"manik.. yeh thoda explain karo naa.." nandini asked cutely looking at her text book and manik smiled and gestured her to pass him the book. He read the heading and said "okay come here.." she stood up from the chair where she was sitting and stood beside him.. he immediately pulled her to his lap. He wrapped his hands around her waist and said kissing her shoulder

"kya samajh nahi aaya marae jaan ko..??

She struggled to get up from is lap and said "manik .. chodo.. let me go.. you will distract me from studying.. aur phir I have to stay awake the whole night for studying.." she tried getting up but all in vain and instead his grip was getting tighter and tighter.

"stop moving nandu.. meri baath suno gi toh ill leave you otherwise you know whats gonna happen.. bhul gayi kya ki 2 din pehalae kya hua tha..?" and smirked and she sighed and sat quite.

Flashback - 2 days back :

In Manik's room :

Nandini's POV :

Arghhhh.. this monster I tell you.. huhh... he passed a rule that I HAVE to study in his room only.. and I had no other option also.. he had snatched my ID card because I punched him... he used to give me my ID card just before I enter the exam hall and immediately after coming back he again used to forcefully take it from me either by hook or by crook . so I was sitting on his bed with my books in my hand and was preparing notes for revision when he came into the room after discussing some doubts with dadu.

"which chapter are you reading..?" he asked me sitting beside me on the bed but I didn't speak and tried to focus on my notes.

"I asked you something." He said in a serious tone but still I didn't look up at him and that was it for him. He took the book from my hands and the next second I was lying on the bed with manik on me. I was looking at him with wide eyes and he said with a smirk

"when I talk to you miss.. no Mrs.Malhotra you are supposed to give me reply understand ??" he said in a threatening tone and I gulped hard and nodded my head in a yes. He smiled and pecked my lips but didn't get off me. He looks thin but no vo motu hai huhh.. so heavy...!! I wriggled a little but I didn't knew I was doing the same mistake again i.e irritating him

"tch tch tch nandini manik malhotra.. you have a very bad habit of not obeying me.. as you did it.. now bear the consequences..." and before I could process his words I was being kissed by him. And uff the kiss no sorry it was a series of kisses for almost about 30 minutes. Manik was a psyco I say.. whenever he is angry he will not let me breath and will load me with kiss after kiss. Uff... I toh sometimes feel ki my lungs will burst because of his torture.. and the kissing session continued till I was feeling dizzy... my lips were swollen bitten and what not.. he almost ate them up.. monster..!!

Present : ( contd Nandu's POV)

"toh where were we Mrs.Malhotra.." he said nuzzling in my neck and I unconsciously moaned his name softly when he bit me on the side of my throat.

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