Happy moments :)

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V.IMP Note

Hello everyone... I did not update in last 4-5 days because I was feeling low and there were so many thoughts going in my head... I will be joining my job in 7 days... and I dont know why but I'm confused... So I'll do one thing... I dont you all to keep waiting for updates because I dont know if I will be able to give one once I join my work... It will take some time for me to adjust and settle down in a new place again... I will finish this book and Mrs Rockstar and Mr 007 in this week... Will you be my girlfriend will have 1-2 more updates and the rest of the story is all planned and it will be there in the sequel... Dont get upset or disheartened I will not stop writing but I will need some time to adjust and settle... thats it... Hope you all are able to understand my POV...

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Happy reading :)

Next morning when I woke up I felt so heavy. Wait where am I , whats all this. I was hugging Nandu and this stupid Cabir has put his one hand and leg on me and held me so tightly .. that idiot was hugging me with his hands and legs on me... arhggg.... God he is so heavy. I pushed him with great difficulty and breathed sigh of relief. Nandu turned towards me and hid her face in my chest hiding from the sunlight. I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer.

"everyone common wakeup..." I heard Aliya's voice but ignored it.

"Manik I know you are not sleeping... uncle aunty will be up in sometime and I don't think you want them to see you like this... so wake up..." Dhruv said and I sighed... he knows me too well. He slowly woke up everyone and only Mukti Cabir and Nandini were left. I smirked looking at Abhi and he understood what was cooking in my head.

"what are you both planning ?" Navya asked observing the look-look talk between me and Abhi.

"you will help us ?" Abhi asked and she nodded in yes totally excited.

Abhi told her the plan and she was super excited.

"Aliya Dhruv... you guys go and freshen up... we will wake them and come down" I said and they both left.

Me Abhi and Navya walked to the water tap that was on the corner of the terrace and I searched for a pipe and it was luckily long enough for us to execute the plan. We fixed it to the tap and then SPLASH

"its raining" Cabir was the first one to wake up followed by Mukti and Nandini. All 3 were drenched in water and we all started laughing seeing them all startled. Once they saw us laughing they understood what happened.

"Abhi you are so dead" Mukti said getting up and before she could catch him he ran away splashing some more water on her, which added more fuel to the fire. I noticed Cabir and Nandini looking at each other... oops not a good sign... I decided to warn Navya about the same but she was no where seen... when did she become so smart ?? I took steps towards the stairs that lead us down still holding the pipe in my hands.

"good morning Mom" Nandini said looking at the door and I turned to talk to Mom but she wasn't there and the next Moment pipe was snatched from my hands and I got drenched in water. Great Manik Malhotra... you got tricked.

I decided not to run because these 2 will make it hell for me if I do so.. I just stood surrendered.

"what the hell" I heard Rishab bhai's voice and I turned around to face him. Time for some revenge.

"look at your sister... to wake me up she drenched me in water and the whole terrace is a mess now... all because of those 2 idiots.." I said making a sad face pointing at Cabir and Nandini. They looked at me with wide eyes and I could see flames coming out of Nandini's ears... hehehe.... Like a dragon, but a short and tiny version. I wanted to laugh at my own stupid comparison but didn't because then I'll be caught.

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