Mangalore Dairies -1

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Hello Manan fans

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Hello Manan fans... we had an eye treat yesterday by watching the promo of Kyy Season 3... the count down has begun...watching our favourite couple together on screen after ever lasting wait... because "khushi ka mauhal hai" i have a good news for you all as well. from today you will get daily updates till this book finishes. Mrs. Rockstar and Mr.007 will be updated by tonight... just give me some time and ill make your wait worth. :)

7 days to go for Season 3

Please Read: V.V.IMP

***But But But... for me to do that I want you all to vote for the story and leave your precious comments... I've observed that the number of views have been decreasing as well as the response.... do let me know if you are not happy with my updates... ill try to change my writing style or end the book... it takes lots of time and patience to write a chapter and if you are not happy all my efforts are a waste of time... kindly let me know if you are not interested in reading this book ill decide what to do with it...***

P.S: in-line comments are my favourite :)

Happy reading :)

We reached Mangalore and our driver was waiting for us and we reached home in 30 minutes. I ran as soon as we parked and hugged Amma Appa tightly as they were waiting for us at the door itself. Tears formed in my eyes seeing them after a long time. I talk to them everyday but seeing them directly in front of my eyes made me a little emotional. I touched Ams feet hugged Rishab bhaiya and ran to their room with Mukti to meet Preethi Bhabhi. We were talking to her when Amma came to their room and asked us to freshen up as it was almost dinner time and Preethi Bhabhi had to eat on time.

Me and Mukti were staying in my room. We changed into comfortable Pj's and came down for dinner. After a year I was eating home food... not that I don't like food there in Mumbai but being a typical South Indian I just loved eating South Indian food because it made me feel like home. Mom used to try making South Indian food for me taking help from Amma but the food she made was exceptional.

Me and Mukti filled our tummy more than its capacity and Rishab bhai was teasing us to no extent.

"Bhabhi I will kill him..." I said sitting on the couch too lazy to even move and she started laughing.

"Amma please do something.." I complained but she was not there... wait where did she go ? she was here just a while back... then I saw her coming talking on phone

"haan beta... they reached long back... they had their dinner... did you eat ? accha okay... all the best for tomorrow beta... bye.. good night... love you more..."

Wait with whom was she talking... of fish...! I forgot to call Manik... I think he called her... wait where is my phone ? manik is going to kill me for this...

"beta you both didn't call Manik... he was so worried for you ..." Amma informed. Me and Mukti exchanged glances as we knew what will happen when we will call him now.

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