the 1)@te- part 3

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Manik was driving and nandini was looking out silently... after the kiss no one spoke but were stealing glances of each other from the corner of their eyes. It was 5:30 by the time they reached manik's surprise place. He stopped the car at a distance and said turning towards nandini taking a blind fold from his pocket

" now the surprise place has come... don't open it until I do so.." and tied it around her eyes and she sat quietly. Manik drove into the place and parked the car. He came out and opened the door of her side and asked her to get down holding his hand and picked her up in his arms when she was out and she gasped in surprise at his sudden act, observing this manik said "relax... its just me... and don't worry kuch aaisae waise nahi karnae wala hun mai..." and laughed looking at her red face at his statement. He carried her into the house and then into a room and said after making her sit on the bed

"nandu don't open this...ill just be back in a minute... don't open okay.." and left the room leaving behind a confused nandini. He came back as said after 2 minutes and said panting "okay don't panic im here..." and came towards her to open her blind fold. Manik was sitting behind her on the bed and opening the knot, but his hot breath that was fanning her neck made butterflies dance in her stomach and let goose bumps all over. Manik opened the knot and said "ok now im going don't open your eyes till I say.." and got up and moved towards the door and said going out closing it "now you are free to open your eyes nanduu.." and went away running again. Nandini opened her eyes and looked around. It was a lavish bed room of a farmhouse probably she thought and looked around and found a box wrapped in red wrapper and she moved towards to open it and what she saw made her jaw drop to the floor. A pretty red frock with matching accessories and a pair of heels were present.

(nandini's attire )

(nandini's attire )

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