Seducing Manik..! ;)

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As promised im back on July 7th... Happy birthday first love...

read this update and dont forget to vote comment and share..

P.S: inline comments are my favvvvv...

Happy reading :)

Manik's POV:

I looked at Nandini in disbelief.. she was ignoring me all the while.. when we were down and now she is acting all weird... she decorated our whole room with scented candles and dimmed the lights which ahem.. made it look romantic.. but my question was why did she do that ?

 but my question was why did she do that ?

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and before I could register what was happening she walked towards me taking measuring steps and the next moment she was standing on my feet with her hands wrapped around my neck pulling me close

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and before I could register what was happening she walked towards me taking measuring steps and the next moment she was standing on my feet with her hands wrapped around my neck pulling me close... wow.. this was so.. hot..

I pulled her close wrapping my hands around her small waist and she smiled.. there was something naughty about it but I ignored it and little did I know I had to pay a very heavy price for that small 'ignorance'

She traced her finger from my forehead to the side of my face and then gently.. like a feather caressed my lips and I just shivered at her feather touches, guys it was involuntary okay... it was always her who shivered at my slightest touches but I never knew she had the same effect on me.

My chain of thoughts broke when she whispered moving close to my ears

"lets move to the bed baby.." and as if I was hyptnoised I walked towards the bed taking baby steps as my baby was standing on my feet. The moment we reached the bed she turned around and pushed me on the bed and sat on my lap with her legs on my either sides. I gulped nervously if she is going to start all this I don't know where we are gonna end up..

"nan.." I tried speaking by she silenced my by placing her finger on my lips and nodded her head in a NO and I did the same. I was trapped.. very badly..!!!

I don't know how and when we moved to the back of the bed until she entwined our hands and placed a brief kiss on my lips placing my hands on the head board behind. I was about to ask her what was she upto but this time she started kissing me.. wow... so many surprises today..

But the kiss was so slow to my liking.. I tried to deepen the kiss by pulling her more close and that's when I understood what happened.. she tied my hands to the bed with her scarf I guess.. I was not able to pull my hands near me and she was kissing me in a dead slow pace and I was also responding to the kiss.

She slowly broke the kiss and looked at me with so much love in her eyes that I just wanted to kiss her hard then and there but I couldn't. my eyes moved to my hands which were tied to the bed and then I looked at her demanding an explanation. She just winked at me but didn't bother to answer my un asked question.

I felt her crawling towards me and trust me she looked like a lion hunting the deer... I guess you understood who was what here.

"nandu.." I tried talking again and this time she looked annoyed and placed a finger on my lips and said in a husky tone "you talk too much manik.." and the next moment she sealed her lips with mine.. as much as I loved her this avatar but something at the back of my mind was continuously warning me that something was definitely not right...

And without breaking the kiss she tied a blind fold on my eyes and I tried my level best to push her away but no.. she was not going to budge.. she tied it tightly and said breaking the kiss

"that's like my good boy" and kissed my cheek.

"nandu.. what are you doing baby ???" I tried to ask in a calm tone but my heart was literally beating so loud that I feared she heard it.

"aww... manik.. look at you.. you are sweating in the fully air conditioned room.. wait let me help you.." she said and again came close to me and I could feel her fingers on the buttons of my shirt and I exactly understood what she was doing.. sh!t I should have been more careful around her.. now there was no use.. nandu ke aaiyappa help me.. I thought

"no.. aaiyappa is not going to help you.." she said and I wondered if I said it aloud

"yes you did.." she answered my question. And slowly one by one she was opening the buttons of my shirt and was slowly tracing her fingers on my bare skin.. I was going speechless with her acts though I enjoyed it a lot.. my tigress taking the lead was the very first time in history and I acted the poor deer role. I waited to see what all she planned.. this was not going to end so soon.. once she is done ill show who is clearly in charge.

My chain of thoughts broke when I heard her voice

"you changed my clothes this morning right ??" she asked placing wet kisses along the length of my jaw and I just nodded my head in a YES as I had a tough time controlling myself.

"why.." she asked again now sucking the mole above my lips and moving her hands on my bare chest awaking the monster inside me who was in deep sleep.

"I though.." I started and she just hummed "i.. I thought .. you.. you were.. not comfortable... in... in those clothes..." I stammered very badly because of our proximity.

"very bad move Mr.Malhotra.." she said and just pecked my lips and before I could pull her lips with mine she moved back and I couldn't feel her presence anymore around me.

"nandu where are you.." I called out for her but there was no response

"nandu.. jaan.. tum theek ho naa.." I got worried about her health but again there was no response.. what was she doing...

After few minutes of dead silence I felt her fingers opening my blind fold and when I adjusted to the light in the room my eyes were wide as saucers.. the only word that escaped my mouth was



ahem ahem...

how was that ??? mind to share your views/ideas.. do comment..!

any guess whats going on ??? *evil smile*

next update will be updated soon..!!

keep smiling

take care

loads of love

Neeraja :)

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