Grown up Kids

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Hmm.. so I didnt update yesterday... because the set target wasn't met... even now it didnt but its okay aap log bhi kya yaad rakho ge and I am too happy now to feel bad for low response as 1 more day to go for season 3... But the main reason was I was feeling really really low yesterday... the reason is quite personal :( and I am not lying... if you think so I cant help it... but thats the truth... common guys even I am a human being and I also feel sad when things go out of hands and I am a very emotional person... so I dont and i cant take things easily... everything goes to my heart directly... okay.. lets not go back to yesterday... will update Mrs Rockstar and Mr 007 by tomorrow evening. And i honestly want a suggestion... please feel free to leave them in the comment box, So the problem is

' I want to change the name of "Cute Prince and Lovely Princess" and I am not sure about what to put as the title to that.. I was thinking to change it as "It all started with a fight" but that doesnt completely suit the story line... if you all have read the prologue of that story and the first 2 chapters you'll get an idea of how it is going to be... so please suggest something for that story :) Will be waiting for few amazing suggestions.

Happy reading :)

Dont forget to vote and comment. P.S: in-line comments are my favourite

Something was ringing... goddd what is that... I slightly opened my eyes to see what it was and saw Nandu's alarm ringing. It was midnight I think, then why did she put and alarm for midnight. I shut it down and pulled her close to me. After 5 minutes it started ringing again... arrggghhhhhh. I was searching for that disturbing element and by mistake my hand hit her face and she punched me In her sleep. Uffo why does she has to punch me even in sleep.

"stupid" I muttered angrily still searching for her phone when she got up with a jerk and guess what her head hit mine and for a minute I thought I banged into a wall.

"oh my goddd" I finally got up opening my eyes and rubbed my forehead and she too did the same.

"uff Manik cant you see... you idiot because of you I got hurt" she accused me... like seriously

"oh hello.. first it was your fault... you set up an alarm for midnight then you sleep like a donkey when it starts ringing and when I try to turn it off you punch me and after doing all this you are blaming me... just great.." I finished moving my hands in air.

"uffo... what is with you this early morning... common now get up.. we have puja in an hour.. go take a shower and get ready I'll wake up others and come then I'll get ready.." she got up giving me instructions and left the room tying her hair in a messy bun. There was still 1 hour left for puja and I only need 15 minutes to get ready so I can sleep for next 45 minutes. Sooooo guess what I covered my face with the blanket and was asleep in few minutes.

"Aaiyappa Manik..." Nandini screamed and I got irritated because of her voice. Why does this panda shout so much... huhh..

"Manik what did I tell you.. to get up and get ready right... uffo... Manik move get up.." she said pushing my shoulder to wake me up... I was half awake and that was the reason my mind wasn't co-operating with my body, the result of which I was not able to move even my hand. After a few minutes of silence suddenly


I sat up with a jerk and tried to spot the source of this cold water. There stood the 5 feet 2 inch trouble Nandini Manik Malhotra. With her in my life I don't need anything else to irritate me.

"get up and get ready I am going down" she said and turned to leave the room

"and what if I don't ?" I said crossing my hands on my chest and she gave me a smirk

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