caring monster..!

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As usual everyone was in their classes and now it was their break time. Nandini was totally exhausted as she was not used to any type of exercise and today it was an extra tiring day because of those extra rounds. Nandini navya and soha were sitting in the canteen and ordered something to eat and nandini leaned on the table and was dozing keeping her head on her bag. Soha and navya exchanged looks but they didn't knew the reason of her unusual dullness. Meanwhile fab5 and abhi also entered the canteen and spotted the trio. Cabir Manik and Mukthi exicitedly moved towards their table while the rest followed and now all were sitting together. Nandini who had lightly fallen asleep wasn't aware of the change that took around her. Mukthi with eyes asked soha and navya as why was nandini dull to which they said we don't know. Their order came and navya decided to wake up nandini. She slowly put her hand on nandini's shoulder and said

"nandu get up.. tumharae sandwiches aa gayae.."

Nandini lazily lifted her head up while everyone was looking at her keenly. Manik was the first one to jump in

 "laddu r u okay..?" he asked and placed his hand on her forehead and gasped. She was having high fever.

"kya hua bhai..?" mukhti too was worried and walked towards nandini.

"issae fever ho gaya.." manik said in a low tone and nandini smiled faintly

"but how,..?" mukthi asked

"I think she ate something wrong.. that's why she is sick.." aliya said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"no we had home food only.." mukthi said and sitting beside nandini she made nandini rest her head on her shoulder caressing her hair.

"arae im fine.." nandini replied looking at everyone's worried faces.

"no..." everyone said in unision.

"let us take her to the sick bay.." abhi suggested

"yeah.. u people bring her there meanwhile ill find the doctor and bring him there.." dhruv said standing up.

Navya immediately got up from her chair ran to the washbasin nearby and made her handkerchief wet and came back to their table and placed it on nandini's forehead and said 

"tab tak yae kaam karaega.. cabir ji aap bhi jayiyae dhruv kae saath.. hum hai na nandu kae saath.."

Dhruv and Cabir left in search of doctor while nandini closed her eyes as she wasn't really feeling well.

"hay mata rani humane yae kaisae nahi dekha.. subah sae humharae saath hi bethi hui the.. humhae thoda dhyaan dena chaiyae tha.." she said sadly

"its ok navya.. im fine.." nandini said weekly

"shut up.. just shut up..! u were having fever and u didn't even bother to tell anyone of us and what did u prove by staying like this without having medicines or anything.." manik said angrily

"tumhae abhi bhi mujhsae ladai karni hai.." nandini said making a cute annoying face and mukthi said "bhai she is already sick aur upar sae u r shouting on her.."

Manik's cell beeped with the message from dhruv which read that they found the doctor and were coming to the sick bay. Manik didn't say anything further and picked up nandini in his arms making her gasp and moved towards the sick bay.

"manik.. put me down.. everyone is watching us.. manik put me down.." nandini protested and struggled hard to free herself from his grip but her protest fell in deaf ears and manik continued to walk. Everyone followed them giggling and once they were there he made her sit on the bed arranged there and stood beside her. She crossed her hands on her chest and made an angry pout and said "im fine.. and im going.." saying this she got down from the bed only to be pulled back by manik who pulled her with a great force and almost threw her again on the bed.

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