Monster Mode On..!!

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i was very very very busy all these days... thats the reason for the delayed update... dont know when will i update next but i will try my level best to do it asap..!!!

to all the fans of The Spy in My House, good news guys... the Prologue and the First chapter of Sequel ( Ill not tell the name of the book ;) check out yourself...) will be posted by tomorrow afternoon..!!! do follow me for the notifications and further news updates..!!!

No more bakwas... i tried writing something.. hope its upto the mark *sigh*

PS: inline comments are my favourite *puppy face*

Happy Reading :)

I sat on the bed biting my nails. I was feeling nervous or to be more precise I was scared. Very much.. what to do ?? I was pacing left and right in the room and hearing the continuous banging on the door mukti peeped out from the washroom and said

"nandu... for God's sake open the door.. ill not come out until you two solve the issue." And closed the door after passing a wink to me.. I understood that there was no escape.. I had to face him now or later.. I let out a long breath and then I wore my night dress from the cupboard removing Manik's shirt and opened the door and closed my eyes not knowing what he would do.

There was pin drop silence.. but still I didn't open my eyes.. my hands were fisted on my sides.. I was really really scared..

I think nearly one minute passed and I was imagining all sorts of scenarios what manik would do, but he didn't do anything.. but I know he was standing right infront of me.. I could feel his presence. I slowly opened my left eye and saw him standing leaning on the door with his hands crossed on his chest and Aaiyappa.. his eyes.. he was so angry.. I tried my luck.. I opened my eyes and gave him the cutest innocent puppy look.

For a moment there was change in his expressing but next minute his anger was back. He didn't do anything but was just staring at me. I was getting more nervous because he didn't do anything... but his looks told me I was in trouble... a big one this time.

"in my room.." he said those 3 words and walked towards his room and I followed him after thinking for few moments.

He was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and with his finger pointed to a spot signalling me to come there and I followed his 'silent orders'.

Manik's POV:

I was angry.. very very much... how could she do that ??? how dare that tiny little girl play that naughty , bold , sexy and cute at the same time ??? calm down manik.. you are angry.. so stop thinking that she is cute and hot.. yeah she is.. but.. arghhhh... how dare she record that video of me asking her umm more precisely requesting her to untie me.. huhh.. now definitely she will blackmail me using those videos. I have to get them from her first, then I will teach that little rat a lesson that she will never think of doing that again. Though it was hot, but still.. its me who should be naughty not her... that tiny little mouse... this time she will not escape.. no way..

I walked towards Mukti's room and banged the door and called her

"Mrs.Nandini Manik Malhotra.. open the damm door.."

there was no response for few minutes, but i heard footsteps coming towards the door... i smirked... she was coming to open the door.. good going..!

And she opened the door after few minutes.. she had changed her clothes.. good otherwise I couldn't have controlled myself .. I just stood there looking at her to increase fear inside her by giving her stern glare and it worked. She stood there closing her eyes tightly, but sensing me not making any move she slowly opened her one eye first then the second one.. and gave me a scared look.. she was looking cute .. all scared and worked up.. but I maintained my stern face not melting seeing her innocent and puppy face.. it worked every time but not now.. not this time my sweet little girl.. after few minutes of pin drop silence.. I said

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