Furious Manik...!

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so guys .. missed me ??? i missed you all alot.. really pakka... pinky promise.. so that we have reached 100k, i want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support and i really mean it.. sacchi mai..! manan promise.. its all your love and support that has made me stand here today :) so a biggggg thank youuuu to all of you..!

And as I am happy i wanted to share my happiness with you all as you are the sole reason for this.. so before evening you will get to read one more One Shot of Manan.. I will post it before evening as a dedication to all my lovely readers.. follow me for updates :)

dont forget to read the note at the end... its important as well as interesting :)

Happy reading :)

Next morning

Nandini's POV:

I woke up next morning on the sound of alarm but I didn't know why I didn't feel the soft mattress under me... but it was something hard and soft at the same time.. I moved my hand around without opening my eyes to get a better idea as to what was I sleeping on and then reality stuck me.. my eyes shot open as I understood on what or rather on whom I was sleeping.. Aaiyappa this is so embarrassing .. I opened my one eye to see whether manik was awake on was he still sleeping.. but to my bad luck he was wide awake and was looking down at me with a naughty smirk on his face which gave me all sorts of negative ideas..

I opened my both eyes and looked at our position.. sh!t... this shouldn't have happened.. it looked like.. we both..arghhh.. no but nothing happened not even a kiss.. but uffoooo.. why is it so tough to explain... you understood my problem right ?? I know you will..

"good morning Mrs.Malhotra.." he said in a husky tone and bent down a little to place a kiss on my forehead.

"why are you blushing so much baby.." he asked chucking and I didn't realise till then that I was blushing.. what will I tell him why was I blushing.. I looked at him and smiled sheepishly and got up from bed.. I got a naughty idea.. hehehe... he looked at me confused as I got up from the bed i.e from his lap and took my phone that was lying on the bed stand beside the bed. And I guess that's when he realised what was I upto

"nandu.. don't you dare.. ill kill you im telling.." he warned me but who cares.. I couldn't leave this once in a life time opportunity. I clicked his pictures and recorded a video of him warning me to open his hands... and I laughed and laughed seeing him struggle.. hahahaha *evil smile* irritating manik has become my favourite hobby these days..

"nandu.. now enough open my hands.." he said in a stern tone.. and I saved all the pictures and video to my Google drive so that even if he deletes it from my phone ill have a backup. Im smart na ?? hehe I know I am...

I untied only his one hand so that ill have time to run away by the time he unties his second hand.. after doing that I ran away in jet speed before he could catch me... uff.. Aaiyappa save me.. I prayed when I heard a gasp.. and my eyes widened.. it was Mukti.. she smirked looking at me and I looked away as I know what was coming next.

"don't tell me you guys did 'it' last night.." she said with a smirk pointing at the shirt that I was wearing and I wore nothing else and the buttons were also open.. this was to seduce manik not to get caught by mukti..

My cheeks heated up because of the question she asked but I tried to maintain a straight face and I said

"aa..aaisa..ku..kuch..na..nai hai.." why did I stammer.. now I was caught

"aww.. kuch nai hai.. toh why are you stammering ??" she took a step closer to me and I took one back and looked away not meeting her teasing eyes.

"common nandu.. you can share..." she said coming forward and I moved back holding my phone tight in my hand. I didn't notice that I was at the door and she crossed her arms on her chest.. she wouldn't leave me without knowing what had happened.. I sighed and said

"itriedtoseducemanik.." I said and she looked at me as if I had grown 2 heads and said in a irritating tone

"say it clearly nandini.." and I gulped I took a long breath and said in a low tone

"I tried to seduce manik.." and she screamed a "what..?" and then started laughing.. she was rolling on the floor laughing like a crazy girl as if she smelled laughing gas and I pouted looking away. There was a loud bang on the door on which I was leaning which scared the sh!t out of me and then I heard manik yelling from the other side

"nandini don't you dare tell anything to anyone or I swear that you will not like the consequences.." he warned me but thankfully didn't push the door and left banging the door again. I looked at mukti who palmed her mouth to stop laughing but couldn't and started giggling again...

"nandu... hahahaha.. you... hahahaha.. bhai... hahahahaha.. i...I cant imagine... hahahahaha" she was just laughing and laughing but stopped seeing my grumpy face and said

"accha okay.. ill not laugh.. you tell me.. why did you do that.." I was hesitant to answer her that question.. what would I tell her... that your brother changed my clothes that's why I wanted to teach him a lesson..

"you can share.. ill not tell anyone.." she said stopping her laughing marathon and I sighed and said

"he changed my clothes yesterday morning when I was sleeping.. so I just wanted to teach him a lesson so that he will not repeat it again.." I said and sat beside her on the bed and saw her face.. she was blushing and her eyes were big like saucers.. wait why was she blushing... she only asked me to tell right.. and I told her..

"umm.. that.. yeah... you.. bhai.. umm... what... clothes.." she was talking something that was not making sense then I shook her and said

"kya hai.. theek sae bolo... mujhe kuch samajh nai aa raha what you are saying.." I said and she looked away and said

"i.. I don't know.. what to say... okay.. ill get ready.." she said and ran away into the washroom. I sighed and closed my eyes..

Crazy Malhotras.. I thought and chuckled..!!

and there was another bang on the door which startled me...

"Nandini Manik Malhotra.. open the damm door or else I'll brake it.." he yelled furiously from the other end and i gulped hard..

What to do now ??? Suggest something friends .. how will I escape this Volcanic Monster Manik Malhotra now ????


so please help our cutie Nandu... drop in your ideas and ill try to write accordingly as i dont have any clue what to write next :(

NOTE: so majority of you wanted me to continue this book.. some suggested to continue with the same name..some said to change the name and some said to start a Sequel ... the ratio of continuing to sequel was 60:40... so ill continue this book only :)

so for me to do so.. i want your help also.. guess what ?? its easy.. you just suggest me some names for the book.. we will hold a voting poll.. whichever title gets the maximum votes will be selected to the book along with Credits to the reader who suggested it :)

so do drop your views or send me a direct message :)

till then..

keep smiling

take care

loads of love

Neeraja :)

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