Romantic Manik..!!

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thank you so much for your votes and comments on previous chapter.. keep supporting me like this and ill be back with updates as early as possible...

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Manik carefully laid me down on the bed with him beside me. I turned away from him and heard him sigh.. huh.. he better be. He turned off the lights except for the dim ones which I like in the room and wrapped his arms around my waist , his face in the gap between my neck and shoulder and his legs tangled with mine. Goddd this guy is soooo irritating at times. I tried to push him away but he didn't even move an inch.

"nandu sone do naa.." he said in a baby voice and I knew he is not going to move so I kept quite and closed my eyes to sleep. But how could I with the great Manik Malhotra beside me. He was nuzzling his nose on my shoulder and was placing wet kisses on my shoulder making shivers run down my spine. I clutched his hands that were wrapped around my waist and unknowingly arched my neck to provide him with better access. I could feel his smirk on my skin but I couldn't do anything.

"I loved your gift baby.." he said kissing below my ear.. aaiyappaaa.. that was my weak spot .. how did he know about that. He was just sucking my earlobe making me shiver because of his acts and was pulling me more and more close if that was possible.

"manikkk..." I moaned when he gave me a love bite on my shoulder... god and now he was sucking it... it will definitely leave a mark by tomorrow morning. But he didn't stop by that. He continued the same till my whole shoulder was covered with his love bites and all I could do was to moan his name and hold him tight as my life depended on him. 

After getting satisfied with his art work on my shoulder (note the sarcasm) he turned me to face him and placed his lips on mine kissing me so softly, so lovingly as if he was apologising for what he did earlier. His kiss was so passionate that I started feeling dizzy. My hands went into his hair pulling him more close and he deepened the kiss.

"I love you" he muttered between his kisses and didn't even give me time to reply before gobbling my lips. His kisses will be my death one day. But today it was something different. His hands slowly went inside my shirt caressing my bare waist causing goose bumps all over my skin. His hands were going up slowly.. like very slowly at a dead pace and my eyes widened when they reached a little more up. 

He smirked between the kiss and I tried pushing his hands away but couldn't as I realised that he had tied my hands.. how dare he.. I was not able to move my hands and my legs were also trapped with that idiots legs.. and his hands were all over upper body setting it on fire. I was feeling not only butterflies but the whole zoo in my stomach because of his naughty hands.

"mani.." I tried speaking between the kiss but as always he hushed me. His hands were roaming on my back and they were going down slowly making my eyes pop out my sockets but thankfully he stopped at my waist caressing them sensually.. oh manik.. what are you doing to me... 

I wanted to ask him but couldn't as he wasn't giving me a second to speak.. forget speaking he just gave me minimum time just to inhale sufficient amount of oxygen before sucking the life out of me. The kissing marathon continued to I don't know how long when he finally stopped.

"manik.." I said his name with great difficulty as I was scared that he wouldn't let me speak again. And he just hummed in response. I took it as a positive sign and said

"open my hands.." to which he nodded his head in a NO making me frown seeing which he replied "not so soon baby.." and my breath hitched in my throat "what does he mean my not so soon.. what was still left.. is he going to let me sleep tonight or not.. aaiyappa what is he going to do ..?" several questions popped up in my mind and I looked at him and his smirk grew wider and I was feeling nervous all of a sudden don't know why.

"nandu darling.." he said in a husky tone coming close to my face and I just hummed in response like a scared rabbit.

"I love you sooooooo much.." he confessed again and kissed my cheeks and I smiled nervously not knowing what to do.

"bolo naa that you also love him.." he demanded like a kid who was deprived of his chocolate and without any further delay I replied

"of course I love you manik.."

"nandu you are very bad girl.. tume ne mera dairy padh liya in which I have my secrets.." he said and pouted, what was wrong with him ?? why is he pouting all of a sudden.

"manik.. im sorry.. vo mukti naa.. she told me that you have a secret dairy and I searched for it and when I found it I couldn't hold back my curiosity and I read it and I fell in love with you a little more after reading it.." I said genuinely and he smiled. A very very beautiful smile. Though the lights were dim I could see his face which was glowing with happiness. He slowly untied my hands and kissed my wrists and mouthed a sorry before kissing me again. This time I forcefully broke the kiss and said

"enough manik.. my lips are already swollen .. not stop it.." I said in a stern tone and he looked grumpy.. what ??? like seriously... I again turned back and winced when my shoulder touched the pillow all thanks to his love bites. He caressed them gently and again started placing feather kisses over them. Didn't he have enough tonight ??

"manik.. leave me and sleep NOW.. otherwise ill sleep with mukti tonight.." I threatened him and like finally he stopped kissing but just back hugged me tightly and slept mumbling an I LOVE YOU BABY again.. I smiled and I too slept within few minutes as I was soo tired because of todays events.


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keep smiling

take care

loads of love

Neeraja :)

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