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Another idea from RandomTale!

A lot of fandoms were in the meeting room waiting for the meeting to start. Sherlock was going to host this meeting.

"Ok everyone sit down!" Sherlock looked at everyone. "I have some good news."

Once everyone sat down Sherlock cleared his throat and started to speak.

"Ok so we have a new fandom." Sherlock smiled. "You can come out now."

"Uh hey!" The new fandom smiled. "I'm the Hamilton fandom!"

"OH HI!" Hetalia jumped up and wave. "I KNOW THAT MUSICAL!"

Hetalia smiled and Supernatural made him sit back down. Hamilton smiled at Hetalia and waved. Supernatural gave him a dirty look. Hamilton then sat down and the meeting kept going. During the meeting Supernatural saw Hamilton looking at Hetalia. He sighed and looked at Hetalia drawing something. 

"What are you drawing?" Supernatural whispered.

"Oh I'm drawing something for Hamilton!" Hetalia whispered and smiled. "You know since he's new!"

"Oh...ok." Supernatural sighed in frustration.

The meeting kept going. After one hour it ended. Hamilton quickly got up and ran up towards Hetalia. 

"Hey!" Hamilton smiled.

"Oh hey!" Hetalia looked at the drawing he drew. "I drew something for you! Since you're new!"

"Really?" Hamilton took the drawing smiled. "I really shouldn't take it."

"Oh come on don't throw away your shot!" Hetalia smiled. "See what I did there?"

"Haha yes! Liked that reference!" Hamilton laughed. "But I am not throwing away my shot!"

"I am not throwing away my shot!" Hetalia smiled.

"Ey yo I'm just like my country I'm young, scrappy, and hungry and I'm not throwing away my shot!" The both of them sang and then laughed.

"So anyways I didn't catch your name." Hamilton said fixing his hair.

"I'm Hetalia!" Hetalia smiled.

Supernatural just looked at them and went with Sherlock. Sherlock was getting ready to leave until Supernatural stopped him.

"Hey can you probably take Hamilton away from Hetalia?" Supernatural asked.

"...And why?" Sherlock was confused. "They seem to be getting along and Hetalia seems happy."

"That's the problem." Supernatural said.

"Ah ok so you're jealous." Sherlock laughed a bit.

"No I'm not! It's just Hamilton is getting a little too friendly." Supernatural pointed to Hamilton. "See he just hugged MY Heta!"

"Hetalia does the same to everyone you know." Sherlock looked at Supernatural. "And you just said 'MY Heta' so that clearly means you're jealous."

"Ok fine but that Hamilton guy needs to back off." Supernatural said.

"Calm down he's just making a friend." Sherlock sighed. "And besides you don't know what Hamilton is feeling towards Hetalia."

"...Yeah maybe you're right." Supernatural sighed. "I'm just over reacting."


"So you like the musical?"  Hamilton asked.

"Of course!" Hetalia smiled. "I love history!"

"Isn't your show based on history facts?" Hamilton smiled. "I think I might have seen it!"

"Yes!" Hetalia smiled. "I'm so happy you heard of it! But you probably see some people in my fandom a lot!"

"Sometimes but I don't mind." Hamilton laughed.

"That's good!" Hetalia laughed as well. "So what other stuff are you into?"

"Uh I'm into you..."Hamilton said quietly turning red.

"What?" Hetalia tilted his head. "I didn't hear you I'm sorry."

"Oh I said I'm into...DOGS! Yeah dogs." Hamilton laughed nervously still red.

"Oh well I love dogs and other animals!" Hetalia looked at Hamilton as he frantically looked around. "Uh are you ok? You seem nervous."

"Oh me? I'm fine! Pefectly fine!" Hamilton started walking away. "I need to go!"

"Hey wait!" Hetalia grabbed Hamilton's hand.

"Uh...I-I..." Hamilton calmed down. "Can I talk to you outside?"

"Sure." Hetalia followed Hamilton.

Supernatural saw the two leave so he quietly followed them. Supernatural hid and watched the two.

"So what is it?" Hetalia tilted his head.

Hamilton took a deep breath and grabbed Hetalia's hand. Hetalia jumped a bit and tensed up. Supernatural started getting angry but kept looking at the two. 

"I..." Hamilton paused. "I think you're cute..."

"Oh thanks!" Hetalia smiled as Hamilton let go of his hands.

"Uh're welcome." Hamilton said. "But...I..."

"What is it?" Hetalia asked worried.

Hamilton sighed and grabbed Hetalia by the waist. Hetalia froze with wide eyes. Supernatural had enough when he saw Hamilton about to kiss Hetalia. He ran towards them and pulled Hetalia and kissed him. Hamilton looked at them. Once the two stopped Supernatural glared.

"Mine." Supernatural hugged Hetalia.

"Sorry! I didn't know!" Hamilton laughed it off. "I just couldn't control myself! I swear! He's just my type of person!"

"Well too bad I got him first!" Supernatural said.

"Yeah I see that." Hamilton laughed. "He's all yours and I respect that. You're lucky to have him."

"Good!" Supernatural said. "Now let's go Heta."

"Oh ok." Hetalia looked at Hamilton. "Hold on for a bit."

Hetalia ran up to Hamilton and smiled at him and then kissed him on the cheek. Hamilton turned red and looked at Hetalia with wide eyes. Hetalia laughed and walked away with Supernatural.

"You know you're mine right?" Supernatural looked at Hetalia.

"Yes I know." Hetalia smiled. "I find it adorable that you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous!" Supernatural turned red. 

"Yeah keep telling yourself that." Hetalia laughed. "Love you!"

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