Drama Teacher

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Hetalia is a drama teacher and right now he has a class.

"Excuse me sir." One of the students said.

"Yes?" Hetalia asked.

"We've been doing this scene for ages!" The student says. "You're still not happy with how we act it out!"

"Well what do you want me to do demonstrate it?" Hetalia chuckled.

"Yes!" All of the students said.

"W-well...there's a kissing scene...who will I demonstrate it with?" Hetalia looked away.

"How about Mr.Nat?" One of the students chuckled.

"...No...I...well..." Hetalia paused. "G-go get him then."

The student ran off. Hetalia stood there awkwardly while the students smiled. After a few minutes the student came back with Supernatural.

"You need something?" Supernatural asked.

"Y-you didn't tell him?" Hetalia turned red.

"Tell me what?" Supernatural was confused.

"I-I well I'm I..." Hetalia didn't know what to say.

"You're good at acting sir right?" The student asked.

"Yeah sure." Supernatural smiled.

"Well our teacher here keeps stopping us during our scene and tells us to do better." The student said. "Could you maybe demonstrate how to act with our teacher since you two are really good at acting. Here's the script."

Supernatural looked over it.

"So this is a confession and kissing scene." Supernatural said.

"Y-you don't have to do it!" Hetalia chuckled. "I could get someone else! Go get the math teacher!"

"No I'll do it." Supernatural smiled. "I wouldn't want anyone to kiss you besides me."

"Wait what...?" Hetalia looked up.

"I got the lines down." Supernatural gave back the script.

"Alright I'll say when to start." One of the students stood up with excitement. "1...2...3...ACTION!"

"Give me your hand." Supernatural started.

"...." Hetalia stayed quiet. "I...why?"

"Just need to say something." Supernatural said softly while getting closer to Hetalia.

"And what might that be?" Hetalia grabbed Supernatural's hand.

"It's a secret that I've kept all my life and NEVER told anyone." Supernatural brought his face close to Hetalia's

The students were grinning. (they are us right now omg yeah let's say that the students are us)

"Tell me then." Hetalia looked closely into Supernatural's eyes. "What is it?"

"Before we go into that." Supernatural smiled. "You have something on your lips."

"Ah! What is it?" Hetalia backed away acting worried.

Supernatural walked closer to Hetalia and grabbed Hetalia's chin making Hetalia look up at him. He then brought his face close to Hetalia's.

"My lips~" Supernatural said softly and kissed Hetalia.

Everyone clapped and a student (this could be you idk) stood up.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS PLAY NOW!" The student (or you) screamed.

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