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Hetalia and Supernatural are getting ready to adopt a kid. Supernatural was really nervous to adopt a kid. Hetalia smiled and walked towards him.

"Come on don't be so nervous." Hetalia kissed him on the cheek. 

"What if I do something wrong!" Supernatural sighed. "What if I drop them or hurt them by accident!"

"Ok we are probably not going to get a baby." Hetalia smiled. "Maybe a toddler or an older kid. We don't know yet. And even if we did adopt a baby you wouldn't drop him."

"You don't know that!" Supernatural crossed his arms.

"Look I'll tell my dad to tell you you won't drop a baby if we did get one." Hetalia took out his phone. "He'll be honest."

Once Hetalia's dad answered Hetalia smiled and put him on speaker.

"Hey dad do you think Nat will drop a baby?" Hetalia asked. "You're on speaker by the way."

"No of course not." The dad answered. "You will do fine. You're not like me. I dropped Heta before when he was a baby and I'll tell you-"

"WHAT?!" Hetalia screamed. "YOU DROPPED ME?!"

Supernatural died of laughter right there.

"BUT THE POINT IS, IS THAT YOU WILL NOT DO THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!" The dad screamed through the phone. "BYE!"

Supernatural was still laughing and Hetalia just sighed.

"Come on let's go!" Hetalia grabbed Supernatural's hand.

Supernatural laughed a bit more and the both of them left to the orphanage.

Once they arrived

The both of them walked into the orphanage and was greeted by a lady.

"Hello there!" The lady said. "Welcome to the orphanage! What type would you like to adopt?"

Hetalia looked at Supernatural and smiled.

"Uh maybe a toddler." Supernatural smiled a bit.

"Follow me!" The lady started walking.

Once they arrived in a room full of kids the lady turned to Supernatural and Hetalia.

"You could look around and maybe decided on one of these adorable kids!" The lady smiled cheerfully.

Hetalia smiled and grabbed Supernatural's hand. Supernatural looked around a bit and saw a kid alone at a table drawing.

"Hey." Supernatural got Hetalia's attention. "Can we talk to that one?"

"If you want to then of course." Hetalia smiled.

The both of them walked over to the little kid and sat down.

"Hey there little guy!" Hetalia smiled. "I'm Hetalia and this is Supernatural! What's your name?"

The kid looked up and tilted their head.

"Are you shy?" Supernatural asked.

There was no answer. The kid started doing sign language. Hetalia smiled.

"He's deaf." Hetalia looked at Supernatural. "Is that alright?"

"Yeah." Supernatural smiled a bit.

Hetalia started doing sign language as well.

"His name is Gabriel!" Hetalia smiled.

"You know sign language?" Supernatural asked.

"I do!" Hetalia answered. 

"You should teach me." Supernatural said. "I want to adopt him."

Hetalia smiled and looked over at the kid and started to speak to him while signing.

"We have decided to adopt you!" Hetalia said slowly. "It will take a while to do the paperwork but it will be worth it! Are you fine with that?"

The kid nodded with excitement and started drawing something. The lady came over to them.

"Have you decided?" She asked.

"Yeah we have." Supernatural looked over to Gabriel. "We want to adopt Gabriel."

"Alright!" The lady smiled. "Let's do the paperwork!"

Before they left Gabriel ran up to them and gave them a drawing. Supernatural took it and smiled.

"How do you say thank you?" Supernatural asked Hetalia.

Hetalia put his hand up to his mouth and moved it forward and a bit down. Supernatural did the same action.

"I can't wait to get him." Supernatural smiled. "It will be an amazing experience."

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