The Two as Teachers

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Supernatural and Hetalia were in the meeting room with other teachers. All of them were talking about a class needing a substitute. Hetalia looked up.

"I don't mind taking the class I mean it can't be that bad." Hetalia smiled.

"Really? You of all people?" One of them said.

"Hey watch your mouth." Supernatural glared. "He can do it. I'm sure of it."

"Well fine." One of them said. "You could go right now."

"I'm on it!" Hetalia grabbed his stuff and left.

"He has no chance in handling those kids." One teacher said. "I pray for him."

"Well it's good to see someone believe in him." Supernatural rolled his eyes.

Hetalia arrived in the classroom and everything was a mess. Students playing around and throwing stuff everywhere. It was loud. Hetalia set his things down and looked at the class.

"Hey! Could you please quiet down?" Hetalia waited for a moment.

Everyone kept doing their own thing. Hetalia kept trying to get their attention but failed.

"C-could-" Hetalia started getting frustrated. "COULD YOU ALL BE QUIET?!"

Everyone turned to him and waited for anything else.

"I'm your substitute Hetalia!" Hetalia smiled.

"Could you write your name on the board so I don't forget." One of the students smirked.

"Oh sure." Hetalia grabbed a marker and it stuck to his hand.

The class laughed. Hetalia sighed and went to wash his hands in the sink that was in the classroom. As he turned the faucet water sprayed on him. Again the students laughs as this happened. Hetalia then had enough and decided to leave. The class laughed and started to play around.

Hetalia arrived in the meeting room. He slammed the door opened and went to the kitchen area. Everyone looked with eyes wide. Supernatural followed him and tried to calm him down.

"Hey what happened?" Supernatural asked as he kissed Hetalia on the cheek.

"Well it's pretty obvious what happened you idiot." Hetalia got some knives.

"Woah there." Supernatural looked at Hetalia. "You're-you're..."

"Yes '2p'" Hetalia glared and grabbed Supernatural with the other. "And YOU ALL don't you even dare interfere."

Both Supernatural and Hetalia left and went towards the room where the class were. They were outside and Hetalia turned to Supernatural.

"You go in there first and talk to them and if they say no to giving me some damn respect then tell me to come in." Hetalia said.

Supernatural nodded and went in.

"LISTEN UP!" Supernatural glared at everyone. "You have disrespected someone and I need you to agree to respect him!"

"Why should we?" One of the student glared.

"Because you will have the worst experience of your life if you don't." Supernatural smirked.

"He won't do anything!" Another student chuckled.

"Ok then." Supernatural walked towards the door. "I warned you."

Supernatural opened the door and let Hetalia in. Hetalia put the knives he had on the desk and looked at everyone.

"So no huh?" Hetalia glared.

"You won't do anything!" One of student smirked.

Hetalia grabbed a knife and threw it towards the student. The knife dug into the desk right in front of the student. Then everyone had their eyes wide open.

"Oh sweetie I will do something." Hetalia then looked at everyone. "You all better be thankful that Supernatural is here so I don't murder you."

A student slowly raised their hand. Hetalia looked at him.

"What is it?" Hetalia asked.

"Sorry to ask but um are you two like best friends?" The student asked.

"Oh we are more then that~" Hetalia smirked. "That was a good question though. This hot stuff is mine so back off. Yeah I see you ladies. Don't you dare touch him."

Supernatural stood there watching everything happen and he sure did enjoy it.

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