Twenty Three

567 10 2

Leah's POV......

"I can't with this little guy, he's absolutely adorable" I said while rubbing Lexington's stomach.

"Thank you, he's been a quite baby so far" Nina said while looking over and admiring her son.

"Well you and Derick did an awesome job. Where is he?" I asked.

She stayed quite and looked down at her hands.
"He's back in Ottawa" she said quietly.
"Wait what?!" I asked stunned.
"He got traded a few weeks before the season started. It was too late to pack everything and move over there. I mean we did just buy our house and finally settled in"
"Was he here when lex was born?" I asked shocked with the news I was hearing.
"Yes, he was here for a few days after but had to go back to Canada" she said frustrated.
"Aw, I'm sorry Nina. I'm truly am. But that explains why I didn't see him when we where up there"
"Yea he was here. Thank you, it's hard cause it's just me and him" she said while kissing Lex's head.
"At least you have Tia Vilma and Tio Enrique around the corner"
"Yea, they have been a big help lately"

We continued talking for a bit and caught up with each other's lives. She smiled when I talked about the boys back home. I can tell that she missed Dallas. I then told her about Antoine, which made her laugh a bit. Apparently when she went to visit Tyler last year, Antoine tried to hit on her but ended up losing to her at a chin up contest. I doubled over, what's with these Dallas boys trying to get with us Coronel's.

She gave me words of encouragement and told me that she was proud of me walking away from the situation that Antoine put me in. She said it takes a good person to see true love In front of them and not come in between it. The topic of Tyler came up and it was a bit awkward taking to her about him. I guess since they had a thing for each other and now something is happening between us.

I told her we were just becoming friends but called bull shit when his name popped up on my screen. She grabbed Lex from my hands, since it was time for his feeding. I got up and walked over to my little cousins and sat with them. I played tea party with Melinda and held Penelope on my lap.

Jennifer walked in and took a seat next to me. P started to reach for her and I let go. She started to crawl to her mom and snuggle to her side.

"Aw now you're trying to be cute because daddy and uncle Derick aren't around" Jennifer said to her.

P let out a small giggle and watched her mom.

"You guys make the cutest babies" I said while taking a fake sip of tea.

"Ha thank you, but they sure are a lot of work"
"I know, I feel bad for Nina"
"She's taking it like a champ. I mean the situation she is in sucks. Especially having Derick leave after she gave birth two days prior. But his parents flew down and are helping her out, along with our parents. I just hope they figure something out for Lex's sake"

"Are they not together?" I asked curiously.
"I'm not sure, somethings had happened before little lex came"

I nodded and didn't ask anymore, since we were being summoned into the dining room. I grabbed Melinda's hand and followed Jennifer.

Her house and Grants is absolutely beautiful.
I wish one day I would get a house and raise a family like theirs. I walked in and saw Michael holding Lex. I small smile appeared on my face and I took a seat next to him.

"He's super Tiny" he said while playing with his little fingers.
"I know, so handsome"
"I fell horrible for Nina" he said.
"Me too but things will work out"

He shrugged and kept rocking the baby. Once everyone was settled down and took a seat. The kids we around and said what they were thankful for. Then Grant said grace the we all dug in. I took a minute to look around and embrace having all my family together in the same room. All my blood cousins, aunt, uncle, baby cousins and even all of Michael's. It felt nice having everyone here. I truly missed this and missed everyone.

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