Fifty Four

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Leah's POV.....

"I don't feel so good" I said as I wrapped my arms around my bare stomach.
"Ugh, I still can taste the jack Daniels in my mouth" Christina yelled from across the room.

We all moaned and groaned. We pretty much agreed once we get home that we are going to take a break from drinking. After spending three days in Miami, we made our way to Cabo. Candace and Cassidy joined us and it's been an insane shit show the past few days.

Mostly spent by the pool, beach and the clubs. I went really hard last night after seen Ali posting her and Tyler on her Instagram story. Tyler told me the night before that he was going with Brandon to the weeken concert. Little did I know or we knew the whole clan was going. 

"Have you talked to Tyler?" Candace asked.
"Nope, not yet" I said while looking for my phone.
"Well are we going to end this bitch?" Ryan asked.
"Please, I can't kill your cousin"
"Yea, but we can hire a hit man"
"Stop it! Just let her make a fool and embarrassment of herself" I said.

I pressed the home screen and saw millions of messages from Tyler. They were mostly apologizes and then some angry ones. I went on my Instagram and saw the pictures I was tagged in. They were pretty such me and the girls at a club wearing close to nothing with alcohol being shoved down our throats.

I sent a quick text and got up to beginning my day.


After a cold shower and an amazing breakfast, jackie some how convinced a local to let us ride on his boat. Which Is where we are now, in the middle of the water, drink out of bottles and in our bathing suits. I was shaking my ass to the beat and just kept drinking.

"Leah! Your phone!" Cassidy yelled.

I nodded and grabbed it from her. I swiped the screen and saw Tyler shirtless. Music was booming and random people were passing by.

"Hey babe" he yelled.
"Yo! What's going on over there?" I asked a bit annoyed.
"Just friends over for a pool party"
"Babe, I told you I was sorry"
"I forgive you, but I swear if Ali is there"
"I can't do anything about that, she came along with her brother"
"Ugh! Fuck Tyler! You need to choose! Me or her! I can't fucking do this anymore"
"Can we please not do this now?"
"Wrong fucking answer!" I yelled before hanging up and throwing my phone.

I walked back up stairs and grabbed a bottle from the table.

"Woe! Everything's okay?" Candace asked.
"I am pretty sure that I will not be a seguin anymore. So time to drink and cheers to my single life again!" I yelled as a chucked half the bottle.

The girls gave a confused look and I just broke down. They all ran towards me and pulled me close.
I guess there goes a successful bachelorette party.

Tyler's POV....

"Fuck" I yelled as I slammed my phone down.
I rubbed my face and groaned a bit.

"What's wrong?" I heard Ali say as she walked over with a drink.
"Get out" I said.
"Tyler, why?!"
"CAUSE YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! I am finally in a good place and I am with the most amazing girl. Yet you some how try to find a way to ruin it! I told you last night, I don't want to be on your insta story but you still did. I am in love and married to Leah! She's my one and only, I can't have you mess this Up! I hate you so much"

I felt the angry finally release from me. I took a deep breath and realized everyone was staring at me.

"Bro, that's uncalled for" Brandon said as he walked over and pulled Ali close.
"It's not, it's way over do. Please just leave and leave me alone" I said.

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