Fourty Nine

465 9 1

Leah's POV......

"Let's go Boys! OUT on the Ice in ten minutes" Coach Tortorella yelled before he left the locker room.

I was siting by the door and pounded everyone's fist before they left the room. I was quickly editing the Teams group photo. Once I was happy with the way it looked, I up loaded them on Twitter and Instagram. I placed my laptop in my bag and got up to go over to the rink.

I wasn't really paying attention and was on my phone messaging back Tom. He was asking me if I had time to do a Dallas Stars Snapchat take over for the game tonight. I told him that I will try my best. Today was the first scrimmage against Team Canada and the air is a bit intense here at the Verizon center. We have two scrimmages against them and then off the Toronto the following week. So after Saturday nights game, I will be heading back to Dallas. I am literally just packing the clothes that I will need and then the next day back off to Toronto.

My brain is killing me with the thought of how much work I have to do. I was about to open the doors until I smacked into a hard chest.

"Shit man, I am so sorry" I said while pushing myself off this person.
"It's okay sweetheart, if you wanted to be in arms you could of just asked" the person said.

I looked up in disgust and realized that it was Brad Marchand. I rolled my eyes and stared to walk away until he grabbed my hand.

"I am serious Darling, you know where to find me"
"Please let go and I am not interested" I said while trying to pull my hand out.
"Come doll, do you know who I am?" He said while trying to pull me into his chest again.
"Yes I do and like I said not interested"

I pulled my hand away from him and pushed him up against the door.

"You're a disgusting excuse for a human being. Besides I am engaged to one of your good friends"

I quickly walked away and pulled the strap of my bag a bit higher on my shoulder. I rubbed my wrist and went on to the rink. Practice already began and I took a seat at the bench. Kyle gave me a confused looked when I continued rubbing my wrist.

"Are you okay?" He asked me with a concerned look in his face.
"Yea, I just hit my hand with the door" I said with a smile and pulling the sleeves of my sweater down.

He just nodded and looked back on to the ice. I let out a shaky sigh and tried to calm myself down a bit. I grabbed my camera and started to snap a few things from practice. I tweeted a few things and kept an eye on my players. McDonagh and Stepan waved over to me and I did the same. I excused myself and went around the rink.

I picked up a photography class back in the spring and took an interest in it. It's not easy as it looks and I respect all professionals and William. I zoomed in on some of the different players. Van Riemsdyk noticed me and started to suck his tongue out. A small laughed escaped from me and I gave him the finger. Ever since he found out that I was apart of the media team he's been annoying but in a funny way. I love the Van Riemsdyk brothers especially since I have been close to Trevor for a little while now. But James is such a jokester and we have a great playing around relationship.

The whistle blew and the players gathered around the bench. They all then walked into the middle of the ice and stretched a bit. I walked back next to Kyle and we decided to head over to the office.

We walked towards the tunnel and back to the locker rooms. Kyle opened the door for me and I thanked him quietly and took an empty seat. They room was buzzing and everyone was busy doing something. Rebecca one of the photographers from my team came into the room.
"Hey Guys! There's some action shots from Practice on his SIM card" she said while handing it to me.
"Perfect! Let me download them on my laptop and we can edit it together" Kyle suggested.
"That's fine with me, but I need a caffeine boost, so I am going to the Starbucks around the corner. Just text me what you guys want" I said while grabbing my purse and taking my sweater off.

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