Twenty Seven

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Leah's POV.......

After a nice hot shower and an amazing breakfast from Jackie. I was helping her clean the dishes.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to do this" she said as I handed her the wet plate.
"Yes I do! You did all the cooking. It's the least I can do" I said with a smile.
"You're so sweet, are you sure you want to be with my son?" She asked as she dried the plate.

I shook my head and continued cleaning up.
"So our family usually just celebrates Christmas but since you are our special guest. What things does your family do for Christmas Eve?" Jackie asked me.

"Well the whole family gathers at my grandmas house out in Long Beach if she's in town. If not it's usually at Nina's parents house. All the girls help her make Dinner before we go to twelve o'clock mass. After mass we go back to my grandmas and open gifts"

"Um interesting, I think the seguin family should do that tonight"
"No,I don't want to be a bother"
"Non sense! You're our guest"
"Well I won't allow you to cook! I will do the cooking" I said while drying my hands.
"Okay and we can all open one gift after mass"

I smiled and hugged Jackie tight.

"Thank you"
"Of course, you're apart of this family"

I hugged her again and Tyler walked in.

"What's going on?" He asked as he made his way to us.
"We are gonna do something non traditional this year" Jackie said.
"Okay?" Tyler said confused and looked back and forth at us.
"we are gonna go to twelve o'clock mass and Leah is gonna cook us a traditional family meal that's her family does on Christmas Eve" Jackie Explained to her son.
"That actually sounds awesome"
"There's one thing thou" I said while biting my lip.
"Which is?" He asked curiously.
"Well you see I don't have a car and I need to go to the supermarket to get the food I need. So I was wondering if I could use the Ferrari?"
I speed the last part pretty fast.
"Absolutely not! I will drive you to the market but you can't"
"Fine! Let me grab my bag and we can go" I said while kissing his cheek and running upstairs.

I waked into his room grabbed my sweater and purse. I ran downstairs but stopped when I heard Tyler talking to his mother.

"Is everything set?" She asked him.
"Mhmm, good to go mom"
"Aww, I am excited" Jackie yelled with happiness.

I waited a few minutes and then walked back in. They both looked up and smiled at me.

"Ready?" Tyler asked as he walked over to me.

I nodded and waved goodbye to Jackie. Tyler waited for me at the door. I kissed his lips and we headed out to his garage.

We took his ranger rover to the market and got there in record time. He grabbed a cart and followed me from behind and I started to grab the things I needed. He really didn't say a word and just watched me. He did stop a few times to take pictures with some fans. I loved watching him react with them.

"Baby, I think you have enough" he finally said as I grabbed a big ham.

"You don't have the spices that I need. Besides I am making a ham, a small turkey, Spainsh rice, veggies and a some empanadas. Oh and some dessert"

"There's only gonna be six of us and that's plenty. We also have Christmas dinner"

"Yea maybe we don't need the turkey"

He laughed and placed back to where I got it.

We shopped around for a bit and then decided to pay. I went to give the cashier my card but Tyler pushed me out of the way.

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