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Leah's POV....

Two Months later.....

"Alright! You are finally cleared! We are going out to celebrate!" Ryan yelled as soon as I got threw the front door.
"Ha yes we do! but we have Tyler's birthday dinner" I said.
"Ugh, Do are you really going?"
"Yes, I promised Jamie and Tyler"
"But you guys aren't dating anymore"
"Yes, but he was with me threw all the treatments. The least I can do is be civil for tonight and then make him so jealous" I said with a wink.
"YES! LEAH CORONEL IS BACK!" Ryan yelled before heading to the kitchen.

After Van's wedding, I stayed in New York. I knew that Tyler and Jamie had a whole weekend plan while they were in Nashville. I didn't want to intrude and let them have their weekend. I spent the week with my family and then headed back to Dallas.

Things were back to the normal routine, treatments and working from home. The days I felt better I was working at the office with the guys. When there was aways games, I stayed behind. One particular Trip had changed everything. The Guys were back in Canada for that week and were on a bit of a losing streak. That was same week that I was at my worst. After treatment one Friday, I wasn't feeling that great. My body wasn't taking the chemo well and gave up the moment I stood up. My parents rushed down here and Brandon was actually stayed with me at the hospital. We were catching up and was going to lunch after my appointment. Expect we didn't make it to lunch.

Ryan called Tyler and explained what happened. He was worried and upset that he couldn't be home. He tried to get out of playing but I told to not dare do that.
The guys came back frustrated and annoyed from the trip.The tension was high with everyone, even between myself and Tyler. He practically ignored me for a week and didn't even accompany to treatment after I was released. I was a bit heartbroken and taken back. I took it as we are on a break and just took care of myself. It continued on for another week and I finally had enough.

I drove to his house late at night and walked right in since I had a key.The dogs automatically greeted me. I really missed these two guys. I walked around the place I used to call home and found Tyler in his office. He looked up and I knocked on the door. He let out a sigh and told me to take a seat. Thats when he told everything that happened in Canada. He broke down and responded to a few girls that message him. The team was losing, he was disappointed in the way he was playing and Couldn't be there for me. It took a total on him.

He was in his home town of Toronto.Which meant every club, bar and girls knew him. He took the opportunity and hooked up with a random girl. He felt so guilty for he did and thats reasoning for ignoring me. I sat there taken back, tears coming down from my face. The man that I love, admitted that he cheated on me. I got up and left him behind.

The past month was tensed between us, mainly because everyone found out what had happened. Jamie was beyond pissed off, that he demanded a new line mate. I convinced him to not do that and reminded him that they are still friends. Jamie agreed, but told me he's not gonna forgive him easily. I shook my head at him and he was my rock for the rest of my treatments.

Which brings me to today, my last day of treatment and being cancer free for the second time in my life. I got a clean bill of health and a new sense for life. I am fortunate to be able to have a second chance in life. I vow to be my bad self, aspire to love again and to forgive those who have hurt me. Before I came home, I went out to the rink. The boys were finished up practice and I walked into the locker room. Antoine was packing up his bag and I taped his shoulder. He was bit surprised to see me.

"Hey, I am surprised to see you here. Especially talking to me" he said.
"Yea, well I wanted to talk to you"
He nodded and offered a seat next to him.
"I just wanted to forgive and be friends again" I explained.
"Leah, what I did was completely wrong. I should of followed you back at the hotel as soon as I noticed you were gone. I regret the way I ended things with you and the way I treated you. You had every right to be mad at me"
"Antoine, it's okay. I am completely over it and all is forgiven"

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