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Leah's POV....

Five Years later.....

"Harper Jaclyn Seguin! Don't you Dare!" I yelled as I grabbed her from the monkey bars.
"But Mama! I am five years old! I am a big girl!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes at her sassiness that she clearly has gotten from me.

"I understand that Harp, but maybe you should go on the kid friendly monkey bars" I suggested.
"Nope! Papa always said to challenge yourself that way you can improve" she said while crossing her fingers.
"I can't wait to have a little talk with papa, when he gets home" I said threw my teeth.

"What did I do now?" I heard Tyler's voice as I turned around.
"Daddy!" Harper yelled as she ran towards him.

Tyler bent down and picked her up. He twirled around and blew raspberries on her neck. Harper's little giggles filled the air and pulled her dad close.

"Are you causing trouble again, Princess?" Tyler asked her.
"No! Never!" She said with a grin that was exactly just like Tyler's.

I rolled my eyes playfully and header back towards the bench where baby Oliver was sound asleep in his stroller.  I sat down on the bench and grabbed my iPad out. I felt the bench move and a kiss on the side of my head.

"Hello Baby Mama" he said as he bent over and tickled Oliver's chin.
"Hello Baby Daddy, how was your flight?" I asked.
"Good, happy to be home for a while"
"Good, cause they really missed you"
"I missed them too including you"

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you" he whispered into my lips before kissing them.

The same connection we had when we first met is still there. We pulled away when we heard small cries. I unwrapped my hands off Tyler and watched him go over to the stroller. He unhooked the straps and picked up Oliver.

Oli opened his beautiful hazel eyes and smiled once he recognized Tyler.

"Daddyyy" he said following a high streak.
"Yes, Little Man. Daddy is here"

Tyler sat him up and placed small kisses on His cheek. Oli smiled huge and clapped his little hand.

"Silly Dadddaaa" Oliver said.
"No, mama is silly" Tyler said while tickling him.
"Oliver, don't listen to Daddy. You love your mamma"

I smiled at my little boy and blew him a small kiss.
"That's my boy" I said with a sweet smile.

Tyler continued talking to Oliver, while I kept an eye on Harper. She's a true mixture of myself and Tyler. She had my attitude on life,very independent and Tyler's wit. For a five year old she's one tough chick.

She was playing with the little boys kicking the soccer ball around. She tripped and fell down but quickly got up. She dusted herself off and kept going. I shook my head and smiled at my little one.

"I told you that she should of stayed away from the boys" Tyler said in a huff.
"Even if you did, she would of ignored you"
"Damn that little girl and her independence"
"She will always love her daddy"

I looked over at my phone and decided it was time to head back home. We were having people over for dinner tonight since Tyler and Jamie are finally home for the summer.

Tyler yelled Harpers name, while I placed Oliver back into the stroller. Harper came running over and grabbed her dads hand.

"Harps, what did I say about boys?" He asked her.
"That I am allowed to play sports with them. It I am not allowed to date them" she said with a grin.
"Exactly! That's my girl"

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