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Leah's POV.....

"Yes! We have a long weekend!" I yelled as a shut my Mac.
"Ha thank god for tom and the long weekend we have ahead of us" Mike said while stretching his arms.

The rest of the week was a bit insane for me. I mean it was my first week and I was slowly getting into the groove. But it's been filled with meeting, snapchat pictures, and getting to know the players.

"So I will pick you up at seven?" Michael asked.
"Yea that's perfect, is it bad that i would rather lay in bed and watch tv?"
"We should at least show our face for a bit"
"Okay, but I am done for the day" I said while getting up.
"Yea I'm pretty much done too" he said finishing typing something.

I simply nodded and started to pack up my bags. The office door opened and Tom walked in.
"Hey guys, all done?" He asked.
"Yea we posted some pictures and set up interviews for the game on Tuesday" I said.
"Good, now go enjoy this last weekend of freedom" he said with a laugh.

We both laughed along and walked out with our things.
"So what are your plans this weekend?" Mike asked.
"Well I'm actually heading to Vegas tomorrow morning for a girls weekend but I'm sure I can squeeze you an Invite" I said with a wink.

"Haha sounds tempting but what's the point of a girls trip if I join you"'he said.
"Well you get to hang out with pretty hot girls for the weekend"
"Ha I will let you know by tonight, since it's short notice"
"Yea but spontaneous trips are the best ones! Come on be a little sinful"
"You are very convincing" he said as we walked out to our car.
"Well I have been told that, see you at seven"

We waved to each other and got to our separate cars.

The car ride home was fairly fast and I was super happy when I saw Ryan's car in the drive way. I grabbed my things and made my way inside.
The cool air greeted me and I was grateful for the central air that we have.
"Hello Honey! I'm home" I said as I placed my bag on the kitchen counter.

Ryan came from the hallway and threw her arms around me.
"Oh how I missed you roomy" she yelled.
"I missed you too!"

We both pulled away and I made my way to the fridge. I grabbed a water bottle and turned around to face her.

"You're home early" I said.
"Yea I got out early for the long weekend. So are you packed for Vegas?"
"Yup and I invited Mike, hope that's ok!"
"Yea, we have enough room on the plane" she said with a smile.
"I still can't believe you're parents are allowing as use theirs"
"Yeah,well they are trying to get on my good side"
"Ha what do they want?"
"Well my cousin is gonna be in Vegas as well. So both our parents want us to play nice"
"Oh I get to meet Miss.Dallas?"
"Yuppp" she said while popping the P.
"Well don't worry, you got me!"
"Yea and Michael?"

We both laughed and continued talking. I looked at the clock and realized I had enough time for a nap. I told Ry that I would see her later and walked back down the hallway where she came from. I opened my bedroom door and took off my heels. I alway took my bra off and when laid down on my comfy bed.


"Dam girl! Are you sure you're going to A BBQ?" Ryan said from the couch in the living room.

I rolled my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was straight and I was wearing a white button down and light Jean shorts. I had pink flats on.

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