Mom's Trip 2019 (part one)

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Leah's POV....

I pulled into the Stars private airport garage. I parked the car and took a deep breath.After the whole Birthday Mess that Tyler pulled. I have kept my distance from him.

As soon as I got back to the table, I completely ignored Tyler and kept my cool. As soon as dinner was over and I said my goodbye. Jamie and I walked back to my place. Once the door was closed I cried on Jamie's chest and explained everything that had occurred.

He kept me close to him the whole night and never left me alone. Expect for today which happens to be our Mothers trip for the next two away games. I told him that I will be with my team and to not worry about me. I told him to concentrate on making his mom enjoy this trip.

I took a deep breath and kept telling myself I am going to be just fine. I hoped out of my car and popped open my trunk. I grabbed my luggage and oversized bag. I also grabbed my peacoat cause even thou it's 68 degrees in Dallas it's about 30 in Nashville. I quickly made sure I had everything and then walked towards the plane. I waved to a few players and then handed my bag to the flight attendant.

I showed my idea and climbed on the plane . I said my hello to the guys and their mothers. I stoped a few times to say hello to Rads and his mother and of course Jamie and Mrs. Benn.

My heart stopped when I was Tyler siting with Jackie. I haven't seen Jackie since Christmas when the whole family came to celebrate. I took another deep breath and continued walking until I saw her look and say my name.

"Leah! My beautiful girl! How are you!?" She asked with a smile and got up to hug me.

I will always love Jackie and will forever be grateful for the things she has done for me wine i was sick. I hugged her tight and didn't even stare at Tyler.

We pulled away and she held on my forearms.

"I am doing great Jackie. I am so happy to have you here on our trip" I said with a smile.
"I am happy to tag along and look at your hair. So long! You look so radiant" Jackie complamted me.
"Jackie, stop!"

We both laughed "I have missed you and excited to spend time with you and Tyler"

I simply nodded and waved a hello to Tyler cause I can tell Jackie knew something was up.

"I will see you guys later" I said before hugging Jackie again and walking over to my seat.

William waved me over, thank God for him. Michael joined a few minutes later and we all sat together in the back of the plane.


There was about twenty minutes left on the flight and I really had to go to the restroom. I quickly walked to the stalls and got into the stall. I made sure that was locked and did my business. I washed my hands and as soon as I opened the door. Tyler was leaning against the other one.

I rolled my eyes and tried to get away.

"Leah, please" he pled.
"Tyler, what the hell do you want?" I said under my breath.
"I just want to apologize for everything that I did Durning my birthday dinner"
"A week to late isn't it"
"I know,but I just needed you to listen"
"I will play nice cause I love your mother as my own. But when we come back don't talk to me unless it's about work"

He simply nodded and let me go back to my seat. I shook my head and continued walking down the aisle.

I was paying attention and felt arms around my waist and someone pulling me on their lap.
"Woe" I yelled and looked up at a smile Jamie.
"Mom look what I found! Can we keep her!?" Jamie asked his poor innocent mom.
"Jamie, I love you but I worry a lot about you"

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