Twenty Four

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Tyler's POV.....

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed that wasn't mine. I got up and looked around for Leah. There was a knock on the door and Ryan popped her head in.

"Good morning sleep head! Leah had to leave early for a meeting. She left you a video message. I have coffee and breakfast ready for you to take to practice"

"Okay thank you"

She nodded and closed the door behind her. I grabbed my phone from the night stand and clicked on the video message Leah left me.

She was siting up on the bed and looked flawless without any makeup on.

"good morning Ty! I had to leave you for a media meeting and I didn't want to wake you up. Have fun at practice and I will see you later on tonight. Sharpy needed me to babysit so he and Abby can go to Antoine's birthday dinner. So I will see you later at the bar. See you later" she blew me a kiss and then turned the camera to my sleeping body.

A small smile came across my face. I got up and dressed real quick. Last night when I woke up from my nap, I went back home to change and feed the dogs. I hung out there for a bit and I tried to fall asleep. But I just couldn't without Leah. I got up in the middle of the night and drove to her house.

Luckily Ryan was coming home from a long night and out and let me in. I walked into Leah's room ass cuddled up into her blankets. I tip toed my way in and got under her sheets. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. I fell asleep and didn't wake up till now.

I made her bed and walked out to the kitchen. Ryan was siting at the bar with her lap top and drinking some coffee. She looked up and smiled.

"You're coffee and food are on the counter"
"Thanks Ry" I said as I grabbed the things.

I gave her a hug and kisses the side of her head. We both said our goodbyes and I head out to my car.

The morning traffic wasn't to bad and I got to the area with minutes to spare. I was Leah's car in the lot, so I tried to go find her. She wasn't in her office, so I walked around a bit. The media door was opened and I heard laughter. I looked in and saw her laughing along with the guys.

"Alright! So we got a concept! And we are gonna blow the Blackhawks away" she said with a huge smile.

"I will work on the script" on of the guys said.

They all got up and gathered there things. I leaned against the wall and waited for her to get out. I waved to the guys that left and saw her walk out. I grabbed her by her arms and she let out a small scream. But then started to hit me when she realized it was me.

"I surrender!!!" I yelled as I raised my hands.
"You could of given me a heart attack" she yelled.
"I am sorry, forgive me" I said with a puppy face.
"No" she huffed.
"But I missed you this morning" I said while giving her small kisses on her neck.
"Mmm you seemed fine when I left"
"I woke up this morning, confused on where you went"
"You sound like a girl" she said with smirk.
"Shut up, I'm a sensitive guy"
"Ha could of fooled me"

I rolled my eyes at her and leaned my lips down to hers "You owe me a good morning kiss"

She simply nodded and I pressed my lips with hers. We both kissed slowly at first and then it got heated for a bit. I was about to make it a bit more instance but she pulled away suddenly.

"Good morning and have a good practice" she said before escaping my grip and quickly running away for me.

I tried to catch up but got stopped by a curious Jamie.

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