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Leah's POV.......

Butterflies where flying all around my stomach. I never really met someone's parents before, let alone a guy I like. Antoine held my hand and gave it a small kiss. We were walking inside of restaurant l'express were his parents were waiting. I woke up this morning feeling a little bit better but got to do some work.

After words I went out with Michael to the Nail Salon. We got pedicures and manicures together. We also talked about our plans for Thanksgiving and how excited we were to see our family. After that I headed towards the hotel to change. I took my time to look prefect and at least presentable. I had on a plum turtle neck, with a big silver necklace, I was wearing a Lite grey skirt that the turtle neck was tucked in. My hair was in waves and had long grey knee boots. My make up was simply and enough to make me look alive and not sick.

I fell a lot better then I did yesterday but my anxiety is at an all time high.

Antoine gave his name to the host, who happily brought us to the table where his parents were sitting. They both smiled and were a bit shock. That made my stomach turn.

"maman et papa!" Antoine said while letting go of my hand and hug his parents.

"Antoine" they both said hugging him back.

They both had blonde hair and shared the same features as their son.

"on ne savait pas que vous alliez apporter quelqu'un" his beautiful mother said.

(We didn't know that you were bringing some one"

"bien cela est leah et elle est vraiment spécial pour moi" he said while pulling me to his side.

("Well this is Leah, and she's someone special in my life")

"bonjour mr mrs et Roussel" I said with a smile and shaking their hands.

"français?" His father asked.
"No,peruvian américain mais j'ai appris dans le collage" I said with a huge grin.

"impressionnant, permet maintenant assis" his mother said as we all took a seat.

(Impressive, now let's take a seat)

I smoothed my skirt and noticed a busy boy place another chair and plate setting next to me.

I gave a confused look to Antoine, and gave me the same expression.

"Mama, who else is joining us?" He asked.
"Well we sort of invited someone else" she said.

"Hello" a voice came from a beautiful short haired brunette.

We all looked up and the look on Antoine broke my heart. He looked so in love and in awe.

"Alexandra" he said while standing up and waking to her.
"Antoine, it's been forever" she said in a sweet voice and hugged him.

They hugged for a while and I just looked down at my lap. Alexandra went off to say her hellos to his parents Helena and Joseph. Which she apparently already knew. She took a seat next to Antoine and they were all in their own private conversation in French. I caught a few things what they were saying. Alexandra was Antoine's ex girlfriend who's been threw everything with him at the start of his NHL career. They broke up when he went to Dallas because she wanted to finish school in Quebec for her degree in business management. Which she accomplished back last may as I did with my degree. Expect she got a job offer in Dallas and will be coming over to the states after the holidays.

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