The Secret

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I wake up to "Stitches" By Shawn Mendes (my alarm) I slowly crawl out of bed trying to remember why I set the alarm. I suddenly get a text from my best friend Erica.

Erica: you set the alarm because we are leaving for Magcon at 6.

Me: How did you know?!

Erica: I know you too well 😂

Me: 😂

------------end of text-----------
I set my phone down and grab my suitcase and start shoving clothes into it. We are going to Dallas Texas to Magcon for a week. We as in me, my older sister Sierra, and my two best friends Sophia, and Erica. I am SUPER excited! I love them! I grab some clothes and run into the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower and dried off. I brush and blow dry my hair until it is completely dry. Then I straighten it and Bobby pin it back. I brush my teeth and wash my face and am done. I look at the clock 1:30 p.m. I turn on Shawn Mendes Radio on Pandora the song Life of The Party Comes on and I start singing along with it. I always think about what it would be like if I could sing with him in real life. I grab my shoes and finish packing.
  It's 3:30 now and I need to go to dance. I have to go early since I will be gone for our next practice. I grab my dance bag and run downstairs to the kitchen and fill my water. Sierra walks in. "Hey, little sis! Ready for dance?" She says smiling. "Yes, are you taking me?" I ask with excitement. "Yes, mom has to work late. She will be back at 5:30 to take us." She says smiling. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go!" I say as we walk out the door. Sierra owns a 2015 Mercades. I go to the passenger side and put all my things in and get in. We pull up to the dance studio, I tell my sister bye and I run in. "Hello Rylee, are you ready to get started?" My dance teacher Ms. Cathrine asks. "Yes." I say with a reassuring smile. We do our stretches holding all of them for 10 seconds. We count in French. The language dance originated from. "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix" I say as stretching the best I can. (A/N: that is the actually numbers in French. If you don't believe me google it.)
***********after class************
I walk out right as everyone is coming in. "Bye Rylee, have fun at Magcon!" Everyone says. I run and hug my cousin Lilian. "I will see you when I get back!" I say happily. "DONT FORGET PICTURES!" She says as I walk out. I look around and no one is here. I guess I will start walking home. I start walking and half way there a red Chevy pick-up pulls up beside me. I stop to see who it is and someone rolls down the window. It's a boy with beautiful blue eyes and dark hair. He looks like Nash Grier! "Hello, do you know Rylee Dallas. And where she lives?" He asks confused. "Uhm.. Actually yes. I am Rylee Dallas!" I say smiling. "Well I'm Nash Gri-" he gets cut of my another guy in the shot gun seat. He looks kinda like Nash, except with freckles, different hair, and a different nose. It must be Hayes. "And I am Hayes Grier nice to meet you!" He says smirking as he winks at me. "Hi!" I say blushing as Nash leans over and hits Hayes. "We need to talk to you. Can we give you a ride?" Nash says. "Uhm yeah, of course." I tell Nash the directions as I walk to the passenger side back seat. Hayes gets out and opens the door for me. " I will sit back here with you, so you don't have to sit alone." He says kind of flirty-like. "Okay" I say as I blush. "Wow Hayes. I thought I said play it cool." Nash says right as Hayes trips and almost face plants. I giggle slightly and then Hayes gives me a dirty look so I look away. Soon we get to the house. I walk up the sidewalk and let them in. "Uhm... MOM?! SIERRA?!" I yell to see if their home. No one is. "Sorry, My mom and sister aren't here." I say to them. "It's okay." Nash says blankly. I pull out Mario Cart controllers and give them a look. "I LIKE YOU EVEN MORE!" Hayes yells taking a controller. My eyes widen. "Wow, noyce Hayes." Nash Says. Wait, they know who I am?! Hayes slowly turns around shocked. "I really just said that...." He gets pale. "It's okay" I giggle and walk to hug him. I thought it would be a quick hug.... But he didn't let go. "Cough cough" Nash says trying not to laugh as Hayes gets red. My mom and Sierra walk in and their look is suprised. "Hello Nash and Hayes..." Says my mother. "Miss Dallas! We came to talk to you." Nash Says seriously. Sierra just turns around and walks out. I turn on the wii so me and Hayes can play.
Nash's POV
"Miss Dall-" "please call me Camlee." She says sternly. "Okay, Camlee. We came here to talk to you about Cameron." I say trying to act serious. "No, and why did you and your little brother talk to my daughter? The one you haven't ruined yet?!" She says with her eyes turning glossy. I hug her. "Camlee, you know your a second mother to me. And I love you." I say truthfully. "You need to let Rylee meet her brother. It will be better for her." She starts to cry. "I know Nash. But- but what if he hurts her too." She says sobbing into my shirt. "I will make sure he won't. I promise. But you need to tell her about him." I say as Camlee steps away and nods. We walk into the living room.
"I BEAT YOU AGAIN!" I say as I run and hug Hayes. He smiles widely. My mom walks in and we pull apart. She has been crying. I grab her hand and walk her to the couch and help her sit down. Hayes' face shows confusion. "Mom... Are you okay." I turn and glare at Nash but my mother cuts it off. "It wasn't h-him honey." I look at her questioningly. "You found out about the Magcon boys. So you know Cameron... Dallas." My mother says trying not to cry. I nod slowly. "Rylee. Cameron is your older brother." A smile crept across my face. I run and jump into Nash's arms. "But Rylee..." My mother says as Nash sets me down slowly. "He hurt Sierra, that's why I didn't let you meet him." I walk over and sit next to her. "They were younger.. He promised her that she would always be his number 1. And then he started getting famous and he got a girlfriend. Her name was Chloe... She did terrible things to Sierra. Every time Sierra tried telling Cameron he got mad and more mad until he left. The last thing he said to her was "Why can't you just let me be happy for once in my life! I always let you be happy. I hate you Sierra!" And he never came back." My mom was completely crying now. I hug her. "Mom, I want to meet him." I say looking her in the eye. She nods. She looks at her clock. "ITS 7!!" She yells. My face gets pale. I run upstairs and grab my phone to call both Erica and Sophia. "Uhm hello?" They both say in unison. " I have some explaining to do. Come to my house and HURRY." I hang up. I grab my bags hoping on one foot trying to put my shoes on. Hayes runs up to me and grabs my bags. "Thanks" I say smiling "no problem." He says winking. Right when I get downstairs "Nock, nock, nock" I run and get the door and let Erica and Sophia in. Their faces in shock as they see Nash and Hayes.
Hey Guys! There it is my Magcon book! I pray you like it. I read it 5 times myself. You find out some major things. Rylee is Cameron's little sister. And Hayes likes her. I wonder what will happen when she meets the rest of the boys? That's when my secret will be reveled!!

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