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"You know I love you right?" He asks me. "Yes, I love you to but, I need to go find Cameron." I say. He nods as I hug him and then walk off to Cameron's room. He is packing a bag. I knock on the door frame. "What?" He asks annoyed. "Can we talk?" I ask nervously. I don't usually get nervous when talking to Cam but this time was different. He is different. He looks at me and his facial expression changes.

I look over at her about to say no, but I couldn't. When I seen her face I seen fear, she was afraid. My little sister was afraid of me. I know my face changed because shock and ease goes across her expression. I walk over and hug her tightly. "I'm sorry." I whisper as she hugs me back. She begins to cry. I lied to her, I wasn't there for her like a big brother should be. "Come sit." I say walking her over to the bed and sitting down. "What's wrong? What did I do? Why are you leaving." She asks crying more. "Why would you leave me?" She pleads. As I look at her crying all my problems leave. I feel tears rising in my eyes. I'm a jerk, I was going to leave my sister. I made her cry and now Hayes probably hates me. "Brittany broke up with me." I let out. I take a deep breath as she looks at me blankly. "What?" She asks in shock. "Brittany broke up with me because I cared more about you than her." I say fast. She comes in and hugs me. "Cam I'm sorry. You should have told me. When did it happen?" She asks in her caring voice. "When you were gone, right after I texted you." I say holding in more tears. "I didn't tell you because, I thought it would make me weak." I confess. "Cameron Alexander Dallas, you aren't weak it takes a strong person to tell someone this. Don't call yourself weak." She says almost scolding but still comforting. She pulls out of the hug and looks at me. "And now, I need to tell you a lot of stuff." She says with a long sigh. "Go for it." I say calming down. She tells me about Hayes threatening Matt, she told me about Mage and Matt still loving her. She told me about their twins and the car ride home where Hayes asked her about having kids. She told me the story of why she cut herself years ago and how she called herself weak which made her cut again. She told me never to call myself weak because all it will do is destroy you.
After hours of us just talking mom walks in, followed by Sierra and Bryan, Marie and Nash, And then Hayes. "We love you both." Mom says as she hugs us. "We love you to." Me and Rylee say in unison. "Uncle Cam! Aunt Rylee!" Marie yells as she runs into our arms. "This is why I stopped." I hear Rylee quietly whisper. We spend all day talking and having family time when Nash pulls me aside. "You okay?" He asks putting his hand on my shoulder. "I am now." I say with a smile as we walk back into the family room.

Hey guys! Please Vote/Comment/Like! I have a new book called Gold based on the Griers and I am picking on of you guys to be a surprise guest in the book! You will even date Nash so please PM me (private message) and tell me a bit about yourself! Please go ahead and check out my book Gold! Thank you guys for 310+ reads! Your the best!

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