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                        2 days later
I am sitting on the bed waiting for people to get ready as Taylor walks into the room. "Hey Rylee, be ready for our date at 9." He says smirking. "Okay, what are we going to do?" I asks. "It's a Surprise!" He says laughing. "I hate surprises though!" I say crossing my arms pouting as he comes and sits next to me. "Come on, trust me." He says making me look into his dark brown eyes. "Okay, can you at least tell me how I should dress?" I ask still looking into his eyes. "Dress wild!" He says smirking. "Mkayyy..." I say trailing off. Cam walks in, "ready to go?" He asks."Yeah!" Me and Taylor say jumping up and racing to the elevator. I barely beat him so I get the best seat in the van. Then comes Hayes, Nash, Cameron, Matt, Aaron, and Carter. Bart pops his head in "Ready?" He asks looking mostly at me. I nod and the guys say a lot of "yes'" and yeah". Bart shuts the door and we pull out of the driveway. In the seat in front of me Hayes has his phone up about to take a picture with me perfectly in the background. I look up do a peace sign with my fingers, open my eyes wide, and stick out my tongue as Hayes just sticks out his tongue. He hands me his phone. "Like it?" He asked looking back at me. "Awe we look cute!" I say smiling as I hand him his phone back. I get a notification from Instagram. I slide my phone to unlock it and see the picture Hayes took. "On our way to Magcon with @HeyItsRyleeD7 😍❤️😘" I like the picture and save it into my camera roll. Taylor who is sitting beside me leans over and looks at the picture. "Hey we should take a pic together!" He says smiling. " okay sure, what do you wanna do?" I ask. He takes out his phone and gets on snapchat. He sticks out his tongue and winks his right eye. I do the same as he takes the picture. "Send it to me, I am SO working this bandana look." I say smirking. "You know it." He says winking. He sends it to me and I save it. He adds it to his story saying. "With @HeyItsRyleeD7 ready for our date tonight 😍😉😏" I laugh at his wink and smirk emoji because that's the face he was actually making right now. I save the picture and add it to my favorites.
We pull up to the building and Bart walks up to me. "Hello Rylee." He greets smiling. "Hi Bart, what's up?" I ask. "I was wondering if you would like to take pictures with your fans while the boys are." He says as my jaw drops. "Fans?" I asks unsure of what he is talking about. "Yeah fans, you have more fans then Hayes, take a look!" He says holding up a graph on his phone. "Oh, okay sure!" I say smiling. I go backstage and hear Bart. "Hello! How is everyone?" He pretty much yells so the crowd can hear him as they scream and squeal. "Today we are going to be holding a picture booth with Rylee for those of you with the VIP bands." He says as the crowd goes wild. I can't help but smile.
We go on with the show until it's time to do pictures. I have two security guards at my sides, that kind of makes me nervous. I talk to Jacob S as I wait for the first fan to arrive. The first person comes up. It's a girl with Red hair in a side braid with freckles across her cheeks and green and pink braces. "Hey!" I say smiling. "Hi Rylee!" She says smiling back. "How do you wanna take the picture?" I ask. She whispers in my ear the plan, and I tell the guy taking our picture that we are ready. We're hug with our tiny arm and make a heart with our right hand and we smile. The guy shows her the picture and she runs and hugs me, we take some more pictures and talk. "How old are you?" She asks and I tell her and ask her the same question. She is 13 from Kansas and her name is Mallory. She soon walks away and more people come and it's going great. We are almost done with the pictures and I have one person left, it's a boy with green eyes, with dark hair and a T-Shirt that has Yoda on it. "Hey I'm Rylee!" I say smiling at him as he hugs me. "I'm Justin." He says smiling. He kisses me on the cheek and we take the pictures. He is from New York City and is 14. We talk some more until the Security guard tells Him he needs to go. Out of no where he leans in and kisses me. I pull away fast to see him getting launched off of me and to the ground. The security guard tries pulling...Hayes? Tries pulling Hayes off of Justin when the guard finally does I pace over and grab Hayes' arm pulling him backstage. "Hey you can't do that! You will get in trouble!" I yell. "WELL I CANT JUST LET SOME GUY TAKE ADVANTAGE AND KISS YOU!" He yells even louder right as Taylor, Cameron, and Nash are walking up the stairs backstage. Cameron practically ran over and cut Hayes off from my sight "a guy kissed you?!" He yelled in questioning. I can feel my eyes getting glossy as I look over to Taylor who looks at me then the ground. "Hey Cam you-" Taylor tries to help but Cameron cuts him off. "SHES MY SISTER! EVERYONE LEAVE!" He demands as everyone slowly leaves. "WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM?!" Cameron yells at me. "I DIDNT!" I yell as tears stream down my face. Cameron tries saying something else but I can't hear him. I feel dizzy and am seeing black dots I try to push past him but everything goes black.

I wake up and my head is pounding my eyes flutter open. "Rylee? Rylee!" Taylor says running over to me and grabs my hand. I open my eyes and look around and go over and look into Taylor's brown eyes. "What happened, why am I in the hospital?!" I ask trying to get up as Matt slowly pushes me back down. "You had an anxiety attack." Matt says calmly. "But? But how?!" I ask looking back and forth from Taylor to Matt. "The doctor said you just got to over-whelmed." Taylor says kissing my cheek. Cameron comes through the doors and pushes Taylor and Matt back. "Rylee I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I didn't know!" He said sitting on the bed holding both of my hands in his. I look up at him. "Know what?" I asked. "That... You have anxiety attacks?" He halfway questions. "I do?" I ask him. "The doctor said you do, and he gave me your medicine you need to take every day." He said holding up a bottle of medicine. "Where's Sierra, Nash, Hayes, Erica, Sophia, and Abby?!" I ask worriedly. "They will come in soon. Hayes pretty much was here all 2 days." He says. "Whoa, wait! Two days?!" I look over to Taylor. "You were asleep for two day." Taylor says sitting on the other side of the hospital bed.  I hear singing and it's Shawn. "Is that Shawn?!" I ask. Matt walks over to a curtain and pulls it revealing Shawn in a hospital bed with an IV monitor a black eye and a guitar in his arms turning to look at me. "Rylee!" He says putting his guitar down and grabbing the IV fluid pole and walking over to me. "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" I asked pulling his face down looking into his now black eye. "He got into a fight with that guy." Hayes says walking into the room with my sister, Nash, Erica, Abby, and Sophia. "Really?" I ask looking back at Shawn as he nods slowly and looks at the ground. I hug him and slowly get out of bed.
I walk over to Sierra. "When will we go home?" I ask her not looking into her eyes. I know she's ashamed in me. "You will get out tomorrow so we will on Monday." She says as she turns and walk away as tears pour down my face once again I turn around and realize that everyone is still here. I wipe away the tears and go back to the bed and pull my knees up to my face and cry again softly hoping they don't notice. "Hey guys why don't you let her sleep for a bit." Nash says. I hear footsteps fade. I feel the bed sink down on my left and I look up to see Blue eyes. The blue eyes that I look up to, the blue eyes that help me so much. It's Nash. "Rylee, what's wrong?" He asks calmly taking me into his arms. "She is ashamed of me, embarrassed even!" I say between sobs as Nash hugs me. "No she isn't, she can't be." He says into my ear calmly. "I called someone. And she is here to see you." He says pulling me out of a hug and looking into my eyes wiping away the tears. "Who?" I ask as he gets up and walks out of the room slowly returning with a beautiful, fimiluar faced girl. With dark hair, hazel eyes and freckles. "Ry, are you okay?" She says calmly running up to me. "Alli! Yes I missed you SO much!" I say hugging her and looking over to Nash and smile at him. He walk s out and I talk to Alli for a bit until Matt walks in "hey Ryl- oh I didn't know someone was already here." He says shocked. He is holding chocolates and flowers. "Is this your boyfriend?" Alli asks whispering In my ear. I look at her confused "no? Why do you think that?!" I asked. "Well he did bring you flowers." She says as I look back at Matt. "What's up Matt?" I say as he walks over and hugs me. "I wanted to talk to you, but it can wait." He said kissing my cheek and walking out of the room. "He's cute." Alli blurred out as I lightly hit her rolling my eyes. "Why don't I set you two up?" I ask. As she smiles. Later Alli leaves and I go to sleep thinking of all of my friends and family.

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