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I finish with Taylors rist and i walk out of the bathroom without a word. I go to my room and start packing since im leaving tonight. Matt walks into my room, I turn to look at him then go back to my work. "Im sorry he did that to you, and then tried making you feel bad by cutting himself." he says leaning against the bed, looking down at me. "Im fine, honestly." i say trying to hide the fact that tears are gliding down my face. "No, no. Dont lie to me. I know you arent 'fine'" he says making direct eye contact with me. "Just stop Matt!" i say pulling my eyes back to my work. Matt pushes me against the wall, I smell something bad on his breathe possibly alcohol. He starts kissing around my face. "Ma-Matt stop!" I try yelling as loud as I could, he pushes me against the wall harder. "Matt! Stop that hurts!" i beg as I bawl more and more. "Stop, Stop, Matt!" i yell as someone barges through the doors and tackles Matt, It was Hayes. I run into the other room and get Nash and Cameron. Nash gets Hayes off of Matt and Cameron sits Matt down on the bed knowing something wasnt right. A phone drops out of his pocket, i pick it up and look through his messages knowing that it wasnt his phone, until i see Taylors number, and the message from before. "He did it." I say still crying as Nash walks over and takes the phone. He reads the message and chunks the phone out the window breaking the phone and window. I hug Nash and start crying into his shoulder until Hayes walks up to me. I hug him and whisper "Thank you," into his ear as he holds me. Cameron and Nash tell the manager of the hotel and they kick Matt out, but Bart finds him a new one not to far away. Cameron walks back into the room with Nash as i am still hugging Hayes. "Rylee, you should get some sleep." Cameron says as i look up at him. Cam hugs me and whispers in my ear "Im allowing Hayes to stay in here with you, i need to go talk to Bart. I know he will keep you safe." i nod as we let go. I change and jump into bed. I lay down for awhile and remember i was suppose to go home today, i get out my phone frantically and text Sierra.

Me: I missed the flight! Im so sorry!

Sierra: Its okay, I have a suprise with you, just stay with Cameron until Bart tells you.

me: okay, love you sis!

Sierra: Love you too.

I set my phone down as Hayes walks in with a medicine bottle and some water. "Here you need this." he says handing me my anxiety medicine and the water. "Thanks." i say quietly smiling up at him. He jumps in the bed and layes right next to me putting his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Good night." he whispers in my ear as i drift to sleep.


I wake up still in Hayes' arms i turn over and see Cameron is back. I slowly try getting up from Hayes' arms but he jolts awake. "Are you okay?" he asks looking up at me with his blue eyes. "Yes, i was just going to go downstairs for breakfast." I say not taking my eyes off his. "Oh, Let me come with you." He says getting up and putting a shirt on. We walk down the hall to the elevator. A slow song comes on and as i am standing there Hayes grabs my hand and spins me causing me to giggle slightly. The elevator soon dings and we walk out after our quick dance session. We walk into the kitchen area and the first person I see is a fimiluar face. "Shalee?" i asks my voice as shaky as ever as the girl with dark hair turns around. "Rylee!" she says running up and hugging me. The three of us eat breakfast and say we will see Shalee later. We go into Hayes' room to see all the boys and Bart sitting in a circle, including Matt. "Whats going on here?" i ask as every one turns toward us. My eyes meet Camerons as he gives me a huge smile. "Rylee, Hayes, sit down with us." Bart says motioning to the floor in front of the bed Cameron and Nash are in."So, me and the boys were thinking about possible a new magcon member."Bart says looking at Cameron as he gives a nod. "Rylee, would you like to be a part of Magcon? Mahogany left becasue she doesnt like that Matt is in a differnet hotel, she left. We want you to be the new MagCon Girl!" Bart says as everyone in the room claps. I find myself nodding to except their offer. "But Bart, I need to go back home for a few months until school ends." I say truthfully. "I except your wishes Rylee, but you will be famous, you wont need school or anything you learned in it." Bart says as one of his assistance nod their head. "I know, its just a percaution." i reassure him. "okay, we will get you signed in for the Magcon tour starting in March. But in Febuary for your birthday we are having a meet-and-greet. Also for any holidays you will come see us." He says smiling as i nod. I walk out of the room to see the rest of the boys. The all tackle me into a hug. "I need to go call Sierra!" i tell them running to my room and pulling out my phone.

Sierra: hello?
Me: Sierra! Bart asked me to be part of Magcon!
Me: You talked to him? THANK YOU SIERRA YOUR THE BEST!
Sierra: awe, thanks! What did you say?
Me: well, I told him I was going to finish up my school year and then I would. He said I have to visit them for my birthday and any other holiday.
Sierra: im so happy for you!
Me: thank you, I have to go. I will talk to you later love you!
Sierra: okay, love you to sis.

I put my phone into my pocket and turn around running into Taylor. "Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here." I say looking down. "Sorry, I just love the way you and your sister talk. I wish me and Tanner talked like that." He said looking down at me. "Tanner?" I say looking up into his dark eyes. "My older brother, we never talk. We weren't ever close, I just wish we were." He says with guilt in his eye. I hug him, not everyone has a family like I do. I feel bad for Taylor, I really do.

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