Mrs. Grier

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"Babe, wake up." Hayes says softly. "Hayes what do you want?" I ask rolling over and trying to fall asleep again. "We are going to see the boys. It's a show." He says. "Fine!" I say getting up. I get dressed and meet everyone in the living room. "You all are coming to?" I ask Mom, Bryan, Sierra, and Marie. "Yeah, we wanted to watch." Mom says smiling. "Well, okay." I say awkwardly. Bart called and brought the black van for us. I sit by Marie and Hayes. "Are you going to sing?" Marie asks me. "Well, I don't know." I say honestly. We get there and squeeze through the crowd. "Rylee!" Aaron yells happily. "Hey Aaron!" I say hugging him from the side since I'm holding Marie. "You had a child?!" He asks shocked. "What? No this is my niece, Marie." I say laughing. "Oh, well hello Marie. I'm Aaron!" He greets. Marie puts her head into my shoulder nervously. "I'm not sure she likes crowds to much." I say honestly. "Yeah, its fine." He says waving it off. I hear a song coming down the hall. "I can't lift the weight no I can't lift the weight, you stand on my shoulders and my heart just brakes." I hear Shawn practice singing as he comes throw the hall. "Rylee? You came?!" He asks happily. "Well I'm standing here. So I guess I am!" I shrug. I hand Marie to Sierra and walk backstage. We do the whole show and I'm getting ready to leave until I hear Bart's voice. "Hayes, Rylee. I need you to come onstage." He calls. I drop my things and walk into stage as Hayes walks from the other side. "Hayes has something he wants to say." Bart says exiting the stage. "Rylee, I love you. I know you know it but don't forget it." Hayes says holding my hand. "Hayes?" I question. "Let me talk. I love you, and I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life. I want to be able to call you mine and everyone to know it." He pauses as he gets down into his one pulling out a velvet box. He flips it open reveling a ring. "I want you to be mine, Rylee Marie Dallas. Will you marry me?" He asks in the sweetest tone. I hear cheers through the room as our families come on stage. I look over to Cam who is holding Marie and standing by Nash. I look over to Hayes. I get down on my knee where I'm at his level. "You said you wanted me to be with you. I'm here. And yes." I say smiling as he puts the ring on my finger. He then lifts me up bridal style and carries me off stage and walks to his car where he lets me down. "Did that just happen?" I ask excitedly. "Yes, and I'm so happy it did." He says smiling as he kisses me.

We start driving and soon pass the house. "Where are we going?" I ask. "It's a surprise." He says smiling. We pull up to a lake where Shawn, Jacks and our family are. Shawn starts playing his guitar. "It's dark in a cold December, but I got you to keep me warm." He begins. It is December, so the song fits well. "If your broken I will mend ya, and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on, now." I sing back. He begins to sing the song when Taylor walks up to me. I notice Hayes isn't here. "I love you. I know you don't love me back, and I was a jerk to you last night. But just know that." He says before leaving. I take a deep breath and walk over to Cameron. "I'm proud of you" he says hugging me. "Now, we are going to go. But I'm giving you a ride to the van." He says laughing. "Just like old times!" I say jumping on his back. Nash and Cameron start chanting. "She's going to be Mrs. Grier!" Over and over again. All the way home.

hey guys! I know this chapter is short, and I'm sorry. You have to admit this is one of the best chapters! If you seen the picture up top, I felt like this was SO Rylee. I laughed for like 30 seconds out loud before I realized I was lol. So whatcha guys think? Should there be Baby Griers?! (As in Rylee and Hayes' baby's.) from now on their kids will be referred to Baby Griers.

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