Jacobs girl

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"Hey, im coming to Dallas." She says through the phone. "Sammy, you HAVE TO stay with us!" I say excitedly. "I will be there by tomorrow at five." She responds. "Five in the afternoon?" I question. "No, morning." she says. "whoa, okay. I will talk to Bart to see if we can pick you up." I say. "Okay, i gotta go. bye." She says happily. "Bye Sams." i say hanging up.  I walk to find Bart. He is talking to Taylor and Carter when i get there. "Hey Bart, I have a friend that is coming to Dallas. Can she stay with us." I ask. "What time will she be here?" he questions. "Five tomorrow morning." I respond. "Alright, its planned." He says with a smile. "Thank you!" I say as i turn around and leave. I need to plan fun things for us. I know she LOVES Jacob. So i go to talk to him. "Jacob!" I yell as i run to the arcade. "Whats up Rylz" He says while playing 'Just Dance' "I have a friend coming." I say slowly. He turns to me with a questioning look. "Is it a guy?" he asks. "No, shes a girl she is our age and her name is Sammy." i say fast. "Okay and?" he asks skeptically. "Can you take her out for a date?" i ask nervously. "Uhhh, like friend date?" he asks."I think you will really like her. She loves to just hang." I say smiling. "Okay, so... I have an idea." He says smiling. "I will plan it for Wednesday." I say thinking she needs a day to get comfortable. "Alright." he says with a smile as i turn and leave. "Hayes, come on. You dont really love her do you?" I hear Jordyn say as i walk in Nashs room. "She is standing there with a hammer about to smash Nashs apple laptop that he loves. I run in and grab the hammer from her and throw her across the room with it. "You might think you rule. But you dont. Get out!" I yell pointing to the door. she finally leaves and i lock the door. "She is threatening you." i state. Hayes nods slowly. "You could have talked to someone." I snear. "Rylee, i dont like Jordyn. I still like you, its just." i cut him off. "Stop Hayes, just dont." I say opening the door. "Im going to find Nash." I mumble still where he can hear me. I stop for a second. "Your coming with me." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him with me. "Nash!" I yell getting his attention. He jolts around to see us. His eyes look down to our hands. "Are you guys back together?" he asks smiling cheekily. "No, you need to talk to him." I say shoving Hayes towards him and walking away.


I wake up to Jacob shaking me. "What?" I ask sleepily. "We have to go get your friend." he says. "You mean Sammy." I say harsh. I get ready quick and run to the van where i meet Bart and Jacob. "Rylee, there is a catch." Bart says. "And that is?" I asks nervously. "You have to dance with Jordyn and some other dancers of your choice." He says sharply. "Okay, done. Lets go." I say jumping into the van. We finally get to the airport. I see a girl about my height with sharp blue eyes and bright blonde curly hair. We run to eachother and hug. "Sams!" I say happily. "Rylz!" She says back as we slowly pull apart. "I have some stuff planned, but i have a surprise." I say smirking. "What is it?" She asks happily. "Jacob, come over here." I yell so he can hear me he walks over slowly. His face in shock as he sees her. "Jacob this is Sammy. Sammy this is Jacob." I say letting them meet each other. "Thank you." she whispers as we walk back to the van. They dont stop talking the whole ride until i ruin it. "Sammy i planned you and Jacob a date for tomorrow." I say fast. Her face is very mixed with confusion, joy, and happiness. Once we get there Sammy falls asleep instantly. I walk out of her room and start walking to mine when someone pulls me into their room. "Ha-" I get cut of from being pushed against the wall and kissed. I pull back within seconds. "What happened?" I say confused. "Im sorry. Im sorry i said i liked Jordyn, Im sorry i ignored your thoughts, im sorry. but you know what? Im not sorry for this." He says as he kisses me again. After awhile im back in the hall until I see Nash. "Rylee, come in here real quick." he says. I slowly walk into his room to find his recording camera and his computer smashed with a note. "Look at this." he says with anger as he hands me a note.

Nash, I can't stand you! I honestly have been faking this whole time just so I can be with my REAL brother. Just to show you how much I hope you like having to buy new recording things XOXO.

I gasp when I see it. "Nash, I-" he cuts me off with hurt in his voice. "I can't believe I just let you be in my life. Just get out!" He yells pointing to the door. "Nash." I say calmly. "Get out!" He yells louder. I turn around and slowly walk out of the room. I run to my room and bawl until I run out of tears.

Jacobs POV
I never knew Rylees friend would be so pretty. I am so excited for tomorrow. I think about her all night as I sleep.

Nash's POV
I can't believe Rylee. I don't care about my camera or computer but what she wrote. The way she thinks of me. I really thought of her as my sister. Soon I hear a knock at my door. "Go away." I belt out. "It's Cameron." He says slowly. "Can you give me ten minutes?" I ask him through the door. "Okay bro." He says as I hear his footsteps fade. I run into the bathroom and grab blades from the cabinets. I look at myself through the mirror. I can't help but cry at how weak I am. I put the blade against my rist and slowly it glides across. I throw the blade to the ground as red liquid oozes out of my rist. Someone slams through the door. "Nash!" She yells through the sobs. Then she looks at my rist and shock crosses her face. "Nash." She chokes out. She runs and hugs me. "Don't do it again please." She begs in tears. Then is when I realize she didn't do it. "How did you know?" I ask slowly. "I have good instincts." She says truthfully. "Let me see." She says grabbing my rists. "Can I?" She asks for approval as I nod. She walks to her room and comes back with supplies. She takes one of my old shirts and presses it against my rist causing me to wince in pain. "Sorry." She crocks taking it away. Then she grabs some clear liquid in a bottle. "This will itch and sting." She warns as I nod. She puts a fair amount on as the affects kick in. I scream through gritted teeth.

Rylees POV
I start to cry as I see the hurt in Nash's eyes. "It's okay." I comfort. Then most of the bleeding has started to slow down as I put in the bandage and hug him tight. "It wasn't you." He finally says. I look up at him. "I would never hurt you. Your my second brother." I say truthfully right as Cam walks in. He looks down at Nash's rist then at his face, and to me. "What happened?" He questions in shock. "He cut." I slowly say. Cameron walks over and hugs his friend. "I'm going to let you guys talk." I say with one last hug to Nash.

Sammys POV
I walk out into the hall to see Jacob. "Ready?" He asks. I nod slowly. "Don't be nervous. I don't bite." He says mischievously. "Whatever!" Carter says walking out of his room. "He will bite any girl as pretty as you." He says to me. We get into the black van and pull away. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Rylee says you like laid back things." He says as I nod. "I'm going to take you to a pizza place, if that's okay." He asks. "That would be great." I say with a beaming smile. We spend the whole ride talking and taking pictures together. We eat our pizza and talk some more. "Wanna make a musical.ly?" He asks. "Of course." I say excitedly. We did "I Hate You, I Love You." We both gave each other bad looks when it said I hate you and on the last time it said I love you he kissed me. We only did half of the musical.ly because we wouldn't stop. He bit my lower lip slightly. Once we finish he asks me my username and I tell him. "Carter wasn't joking about you biting." I joke as his natural blush tone turns more red. As he laughs and nods. "You kind of remind me of Rylee." I blurt out. "Why is that?" He says confused. "You both have the natural blush skin tone." I say making him blush more. "I've noticed." He says laughing. We get into the van and drive back hand in hand. We walk into the hotel with his arm over my shoulder right when Rylee walks into the lobby. "How did it go?" She asks trying to hide that she has been crying. "Fantastic." We say in unison. We walk past her to our rooms right before we split he kisses my cheek. I fall asleep thinking and dreaming about him.

Jacobs POV
I really like Sammy. I am thinking about taking her out for another date. I look down at my phone which I have millions of notifications. I look at one "Jacobs gotta girl." Was the title. It read.
"Jacob has been seen with a girl. A girl with blue eyes and curled blonde hair. Is this a relationship or just friends? Who is Jacobs Girl?

It saying "Jacobs Girl." Made me think. I like her being called that. Does this mean I love Sammy?

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